Chapter 5

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Aki shut the door behind her and threw herself onto the sofa. Rhys fussed around in the kitchen, making themselves lunch.

After he finished, he brought the two sandwiches he made and placed the two plates on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Cheers, Rhys." She thanked, shifting to sit upright so he could sit down too. He did so, but then moved closer to Aki and lied his head on her shoulder.

"Y'know, for just being friends with benefits, we're acting a lot like a couple right now." Aki teased, leaning her head on his. "Oh, really? I never would've guessed." Rhys said sarcastically as he took a bite out of his sandwich.

Aki giggled softly to herself. The two relaxed and ate their lunch, just as they finished, Rhys sighed.

"Shit..." He grumbled, Aki turned her head to look at him. "What's up?" She asked curiously. "I've got homework due for tomorrow that I forgot about, unfortunately, I fucking suck at the subject." He harrumphed.

"Well, I can help you with it, what subject is it?" Aki offered, Rhys smiled slightly. "Thanks, Aki, I'd love that. It's English."

Aki wasn't the best at English; she'd already offered though, so she'd have to do the best she could.

Rhys then went to look for his bag, coming back a few minutes later with a small pile of papers messily trapped under his front left foreleg.

He spilt them messily onto the coffee table, then nearly organised them and patted the floor, offered Aki to sit next to him on the floor.

Aki lazily slumped off of the sofa, which made the Flareon chuckle.

"C'mon, Aki, you can make me laugh later." He joked. "I don't know what you mean, Rhys." She chortled sarcastically.

She shuffled over to sit next to Rhys and examined the papers. It was an extract from a play, great, her least favourite part of English.

She read further, it was of an old Galarian tale, one of a servant of a king usurping him and seizing the throne for himself. "Huh, this could actually be pretty interesting." She thought to herself.

There was a quote: "Is this a Honedge which I see before me, the handle toward my paw? Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still."

She skimmed through the rest of it, but paused on the last paragraph. "I go, and it is done; the bell invites me.
Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell."

"Huh, this is actually interesting, can you tell me more about it so I can help you more?" Aki asked, Rhys nodded.

"Well, it's about this Lucario, MacBeth, he is a warrior for the king of the Crown Tundra and he gets his future predicted by 3 Xatu, they predict that he will be named a thane by the king and that he'll become king, but for his friend, Malcolm, they say his kid will take the throne after MacBeth dies. These predictions of MacBeth becoming a thane come true.

At a banquet later that day, he awaits being presented as the next in line for the throne, the king obviously picks his eldest son and MacBeth is irritated that this prediction was wrong. He goes home and rants about it to his wife, who starts corrupting him by planting thoughts of murdering the king to claim the throne for himself into his head.

So, after being manipulated, he kills the king and blames it on the king's sons, who both leave, one going to the Isle of Armour, the other went further north into Galar.

That's as far as I've gotten in class." He finished. Aki looked at him, the curiosity of the Leafeon's eyes was apparent, making Rhys smile.

"You've gotten really intrigued by this, haven't you?" Rhys chuckled, Aki nodded. "It's just... different from everything I learned in English, it actually looks fun to learn, y'know?" She gushed, Rhys' smile grew wider.

Autumn Fires | A Leafeon x Flareon college fanfic Where stories live. Discover now