Chapter 4

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Aki stirred from her sleep. She didn't know what had woken her up until she heard a distinctive noise coming from her front door.

Tap, tap, tap

"Ugh, that'll be Felix." She groaned groggily, burying her face in Rhys' mane. Something then clicked; her eyes widened, and she shot up. "Shit! What time is it?" She panicked, awakening Rhys from his sleep. "What's up, Aki?" He yawned, Aki pointed towards the alarm clock on her bedside table before bolting out of the room. Rhys looked at it; the time was 8:17, and their registration started in 13 minutes.

"Ah, shit..." He mumbled before slowly climbing out of Aki's bed.

Aki ran around the house like a headless Torchic, trying to get herself ready. He sighed and called out to her: "Are you gonna answer the door, or am I?" He asked. "Can you do it? I'm about to brush my teeth quickly." She asked back.

"Yeah, sure." He answered as he walked to the door. Another rhythm of impatient tapping came from the door as Rhys got there. He opened it and saw a very frustrated-looking Gligar.

"Finally, what took you so- Rhys? What are you doing here?" Felix asked, clearly taken aback. "Well, Aki got into a fight with Stan; that dipshit wanted to fight her over something, not sure what since I wasn't close enough to hear.

Long story short, she kicked his ass; he didn't get up after she bombarded him with a seed bomb. He broke her back left ankle, though, so I got my dad to use heal pulse on it, and I stayed the night to make sure it healed properly." Rhys explained.

"Ooooh, I see. So, did 'anything' happen?~" Felix teased with a smug, suggestive look on his face. "N-n-no! Nothing happened at all!" He blurted, a deep blush quickly flowered from his cheeks.

"Something did happen!" Aki called from the hallway as she walked towards them.

"S-s-shut up! Nothing happened!" Rhys spluttered. "The noises you made last night beg to differ." Aki teased, Rhys only scowled at her, completely embarrassed.

"Joking aside, no, nothing happened last night. Let's just get moving; I don't want to be late." She said quickly. Both the boys nodded and left, Aki locking her door behind her and shooting a wink at Rhys while Felix wasn't looking; he just rolled his eyes at her.

"C'mon, Rhys, it's just a bit of teasing, unless you're that easy to arouse." She whispered, making sure Felix couldn't hear her. Rhys sighed and leaned over to whisper in her ear. "No, I'm not 'that easy to arouse'; I just... don't want Felix to know about last night. He doesn't need to know, and he isn't going to know." He whispered back, and Aki nodded. "Lips are sealed, unless you want a kiss or something." She giggled softly, smiling at Rhys as he tried not to get flustered again.

"You're a pain in the ass; you know that, right?" Rhys grumbled. "Damn straight I am; I'm a lovable pain in the ass." She jested, playfully booping Rhys' nose.

"What are you two lovebirds whispering about? Date night plans?" Felix taunted, making Aki blush and look away. Rhys laughed briefly at her reaction.

"Remember, Felix, don't piss her off, or else you'll end up like Stan." He smirked, Felix spun around to face him. "I didn't see the fight, but I heard a little bit of it. Mainly five quick and loud explosions." He stated.

"Y-yeah, that would've been me using... seed bomb." Aki said sheepishly. "I... really fucked him up, like Rhys said. I'm not sure how much damage I did to him, and I feel sort of guilty about it." She murmured timidly, Rhys just scoffed, causing her to look back up towards him.

"Don't be guilty, Aki; sure, being guilty means you have a conscience, but Stan is a knobhead; he deserved it!" He reassured her, bringing a soft smile to Aki's face.

Autumn Fires | A Leafeon x Flareon college fanfic Where stories live. Discover now