(updated ver.) A Slight Little Bit of Crappy Alt-history, Lmao

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(Warning : unrealistic history scenario, be warned)

1919- After years of war, the Central powers won when the entente pretty much exhausted and keep loosing, The Treaty of Versailles was signed in November 1919. The entente well.. they lost almost all of their colonies to the Central powers (although to be honest it was mostly Britain that looses much), pay reparations, and pretty much their economy broke. After the treaty was signed, a popular uprising consisted of communists and a new ideology in the block, Syndicalist-Centralists, ASC for short. Both in France and Britain. France was quickly overrun by these two ideology, but the SC Backstabbed the commies pretty much to the Bolsheviks or Russia. In Britain, the Germans really don't want to loose the British monarchy, so they assisted the house of Windsor, and won their civil war, Italy pretty much also broke, civil war ensue, the SC Won. The remaining government escaped, Italian Gov-in exile in Austria, while the French republic escaped to the remaining colonies

1922- Germany Decided to changed its flag, The Bolsheviks won the civil war, creating the Ussr, While the communist seen as a threat, the Germans saw them as a second threat, the bigger threat is France and Italy. The soviet union meanwhile popped up a communist government in Mongolia and Xinjiang, The SC duo, Italy and France unified into one country, the Franco-Italian Syndicalist union. In India, after the British left, India gained independent, however their economy.. isn't doing that great :/ For ya'll wondering what the new world doing, nothing much, so we just gonna ignored most of the time.

1929- Great depression happened, ya know what happened, the world economy is pretty much fucked. Us almost goes to civil war, till some guy named FDR basically tell hoover 'do shit' and yeah. Germanys economy actually ok. Not great but ok. Ussr pretty much.. ya know.

1936- Spain just exploded into pretty much Fortnite battle royale, unfortunately the syndicalist won. In India Some guy named bose won the election, his economic policy quickly make India a big regional power, China is still China, aka battle royale. Japan is getting eager to eat up china, they've previously put up a Manchukuo puppet state, and they very much want more. So.. they secretly staged up a plan to invade the rest of China.

1937- the SCs won in Spain,  Japan invaded China, totally caused by China because China bad, and 100% not by Japan fabricating the invasion. In Europe, Portugal is really weak, and the FIS and Spain wanted to invade it. However the Germans warned, if they invade Portugal then that mean it is total war, but the syndicalist are way too overconfident so they invaded it, and you guess it, war. This started the second world war, alliance was quickly formed, Japan and the syndicalist form an alliance against European imperialism called 'Syndicalist-Japanese Axis' . The central powers again engaged. Chancellor Hitler even offered Stalin a new economic boost if they help Germany fight the syndicalist, but he refuses, saying that to war its not much important to the soviet union oh and also the soviet economy is doing a decent good job, so he backed down, so does FDR, Hitler offered him, but like Stalin, its really not important to the US.

1941- The situation in Europe isn't good for the central powers, the syndicalist has pushed into northern Africa successfully and in Europe into Benelux region and southern UK, the Japanese conquered Indochina, again Hitler begged Stalin and FDR for help, he offered Stalin new economic boost, while he offered FDR with Newly improved infrastructure, off course both decline, The Us infrastructure is already good enough, so does the soviet economy. That until... Japan does a little trolling. The Japanese surprised attacked the soviets by invading pretty much Siberia, taking big territories due to the Japanese defeated the, unprepared, under-equip and under armored red army in Siberia. And the Japanese bombed pearl harbor to dust. Yeah that's the moment The US and The USSR woke up to declare war on the syndicalist-Japanese Axis. Oh and uh, India is in the background, they join the axis in 1940.. wasn't a good idea. Oh and Japan invaded pretty much all of east Asia.

1945- so its been 4 years of war, the axis fucked. The syndicalist made an oopsie at the battle of Cairo, Battle of Leipzig battle of Birmingham and uh, those was much the turning point, they've been kicked out of Africa, pushing into southern Italy and Spain, the Germans starting to push heading to Paris, the soviets and the Americans kicked the Syndie forces out of Britain and landed a naval invasion in Normandy and uh yeah encircled the French in Paris, Syndies got crushed in may 1945, the Indians got their asses whooped so much that they broke into warlord states after the collapsed of the government there, Japan in a tough situation, Germans, American and soviets pretty much surrounds them, the Germans has been testing.. special bomb they made in collaboration with soviet and American scientist, in Chad. So, in august the Germans launched two nukes at a large important military facility just outside of Hiroshima and a large naval facility near Nagasaki , pretty much crippling Japan, the soviets pushed Japan out of Korea, and yeah, it was too much, the Japanese surrendered to the Germans a month later, ending ww2. The French republic returned to their homeland, De-syndicalism is on air in France, Spain and Portugal, Francisco franco return to his country, took over as the leader of a the newly formed Spanish state in October, Italian government in exile returned to Italy. The soviet union has entered the global stage due to the newly formed UN, let them for their contribution. The US However, continued their isolationism, but.. they might Soon Changed their minds in the future. The peoples republic of Korea was formed, rebuilding post war Europe and Asia.. and that's it.

1946- a year after the war, nothing much, only peace, and then there's a Gate Appeared near the coast of Ostend Belgium-wait what ?.

First Fanfiction i made, i hoped you guys liked it :)

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