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We get off the plane and head to the hotel, which is where the wedding would take place later today. It is located in the beautiful italian vineyards. We get our room key and enter our nice, large room, to find only one bed.

"Shit, I asked for two beds but they must have forgotten." I say walking into the spacious room.

"It's fine, I'll sleep on the floor." Lando says, putting his suitcase onto the sofa.

"No Lan I can't make you do that, it's fine we will just both go in the bed, we've slept together before" I say, realising it sounded wrong after I said it. "I mean not sleep together like that" I continue and he raises his eyebrows. "Ugh you know what I mean." I say as Lando walks towards me.

"Mhm sure, exactly what you meant" He said smirking before passing me to go to the bathroom. I let out a deep breath and hear the shower turn on, indicating Lando was taking a shower. I unpack my suitcase and get my hair and make-up stuff out ready to use after I also shower. I lie on the comfy bed, scrolling through my phone at random instagram reels waiting for Lando to finish. He walks out, wearing only a towel wrapped around his lower body, leaving his chest and abs exposed. I can't help but admire his toned, tanned body. You could tell how important strong abs are in the car from his defined ones. He looks over to me and laughs.

"Hey Si, you got a little drool" He says pointing to the side of his lips. I get up and punch him in the stomach jokingly. He looks at me with his mouth wide open. I smirk before I walk off towards the shower. Suddenly I feel his hot, slightly wet, muscular arms wrap around my small figure. He picks me up, throws me on the bed and pins me down as revenge. He shakes his wet hair all over me, getting drops of water everywhere.

"Ugh I hate you" I say laughing as I try to get free from his grasp.

"You love me really" He says before winking.

"You are ridiculous" I say in a huff before breaking free from him and going to the bathroom. I lock the door and take a deep breath. I blush slightly thinking about the interaction we just had.


I finish my shower and walk out of the bathroom, but Lando isn't there. I get confused as I see a note on the coffee table.

I went out to get us some lunch, be back soon.
- Lando x

How sweet, I thought to myself as I put on some clothes and started drying my hair before curling it. Just as I had finished I hear a beep, indicating a key card being used on the door. Lando walks in holding what i'm guessing is food.

"I got some wraps and water, hope thats okay." He said as he put the food down in front of me.

"Sounds good, thanks so much for going to get this." I reply, opening the water and taking a sip.

"No worries love." He says and grabs one of the wraps and sits on the sofa on his phone as I do my make-up.

He keeps staring at me through my reflection in the mirror, making me laugh.

"Stop" I say, applying mascara. He just hums in response.

As I finish up I look at the time; 1:40. "Lando you might want to get dressed we've got 20 minutes until we have to be downstairs." I say, finishing applying my mascara.

"Okay okay" He replies and rolls of the bed onto the floor, making me laugh as he grunts in pain. He takes his shirt and suit into the bathroom to change into. I finish my makeup and pack everything away. Lando comes out of the bathroom, wearing a shirt and smart trousers. He looks fit, to say the least. I make sure i'm not staring this time to save myself the embarrassment so I grab my dress and head into the bathroom. As I pass Lando on the way he grabs my hand to stop me.

"Do I look okay?" He says, genuinely concerned as he wanted to check he was wearing the right thing for this wedding.

"Lando trust me, you look really good." I say, shocked with myself of how forward I was being. He smiles and a small blush appears on his cheeks as he looks away.

"Thanks Si" He says, using his nickname for me as I walk to the bathroom to get changed. I put on my dress and I love how flattering it is to my figure. I struggle to tie it up at the back so I go out of the bathroom. Lando looks up from his phone as he's sitting on the sofa. He looks at me and his mouth opened as if he was going to say something but doesn't. He looks me up and down as if he's never looked at me before.

"Sienna, you look stunning." He says, still in awe.

"Why thank you Mr Norris." I smile, walking towards him.

"No worries Miss Taylor." He replies.

"Could you help me with the back?" I ask as the back of the dress is a lace up open back and I can't do it on my own.

"Of course, come here." he says standing up and I turn around. He brushes my hair over my shoulder, his fingertips caressing my neck while doing so, sending shivers down my spine.

"Can you make sure it's quite tight?" I ask and he pulls it, still a bit too loose. "Tighter Lan" I add and he does so.

"Are you sure you can breathe? Like is it not uncomfortable?" He asks and I laugh.

"It is a bit but it's not too bad. Got to be done, right?" I ask, turning around as he finishes tying up the strings.

"I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He says, looking worryingly into my eyes, but I just reassure him.

"Honestly it's fine, i'd tell you if it hurt." I replied and walked over to the mirror. The dress fit perfectly, it really complemented my body. I quickly took a picture in the mirror and posted it to instagram. (Ignore the fact the girl has brown hair in this photo, it's the best one I could find)

 (Ignore the fact the girl has brown hair in this photo, it's the best one I could find)

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@siennataylor: suited and booted

liked by: @flonorris, @marktaylor 43,801 others

@marktaylor so glad you could make it!
@siennataylor can't believe you're getting married!!

@beawilliamson this dress was made for you omg
@siennataylor you're the best ❤️

@user1 she's so fit

@landonorris gorgous.
*liked by @siennataylor*
@user2 one word, love it
@user3 i have no idea if they're dating but if they are then damn, they'd look good together

@user4 ugly
@user5 stfu

@user6 where's the dress from I NEED IT
@siennataylor windsor x

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