A New Years Toast: Part 1

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Miranda stood around the New Year's party smiling and conversing with her colleagues but all she could think about was Ben. They had been on a marriage sabbatical that she requested for the last several months. Thinking about Ben and his career change had been causing her to worry and stress so much that she thought she would have another heart attack. She thought that if they weren't staying together it would make her worry about him less. After having a conversation with Richard about her mental health she started therapy and she was ready for Ben to come home.

He was right when he asked her how was she going to magically stop thinking about him. She never did but she had to find a way to lower her stress. After working through her issues in therapy she learned that her OCD and anxiety had taken on another form. She still had a lot to work through because she still didn't like his job choice but she knew it wasn't fair to hang that over his head. Now that she had a solution the desire for him to come home was getting stronger but she wasn't sure how he would feel.

Anytime that they interacted with each other he was standoffish and irritated. Miranda knew her husband well enough to know that he wanted to be home too and that his behavior towards her was a coping mechanism. But she hated that he treated her like he hated her or something. But at the same time, she understood and didn't fight back because she put him in this situation.

New Year's Eve was special for them because it was usually the holiday that Tuck spent with his dad. Since they'd been married, they spent the evening eating their favorite foods and having sex. Miranda knew that probably wouldn't happen but she just wanted to call him or at least invite him over.

A moment later Teddy walked up to her smiling and rubbing her belly. "Bailey, I'm so proud of you for being out instead of staying at home. And this dress looks good on you," Teddy complimented.

"Thanks Teddy," Miranda said as she played with the hors d'oeuvres on her plate.

"Hmmm do you think that I should call Ben?" Miranda blurted out and Teddy just looked at her.

"You know just for a toast. Oh, but my son is with his father and he might think it's a booty call. You think he will think that's a booty call?" Miranda inquired.

"I mean maybe that's not a bad thing," Teddy suggested and Miranda gasped in shock.

She couldn't lie that she had thought about it all the time. Sex with her husband was one of her favorite pastimes. Her mouth salivated and she clenched her thighs thinking about the way her husband would eye her as he devoured her. And the way he would praise her while they made love until she came.

A moment later she heard Jo announce that it was almost time for the countdown and the ball to drop. Miranda walked over to where everyone was gathering and she grabbed a glass of champagne just as the countdown began.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone shouted.

Miranda watched as many of her colleagues kissed their significant other and she wished that she could do the same with Ben. Miranda said goodbye to everyone and made her way to her car. She drove home and sat in the driveway, contemplating whether she should call Ben. She was honestly too nervous to call him so she started to text him.

"Hey Ben, Happy New Year! Can you come over?" No that sounds too nonchalant.

"Happy New Year Ben. Would you like to come over for a New Year toast? Miranda sat there staring at the text message scared to send it but she didn't know what else to say.

"Make it sound like you want him to come over Miranda," she said to herself.

"Hey Ben, Happy New Year! I would love it if you would be willing to come over for a New Year toast," Miranda typed out.

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