-- Chapter one --

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Exhausted gasping was heard coming from an injured young man, the man had long silvery white hair with a pair of luminous golden eyes that seemed to scream pain and exhaustion out for those who could be here to hear.

Unfortunately – or fortunately – for him, there was no one else but him alone wherever he was right then.

Screams of terror and rage could be heard, echoing in the air as the smell of the burning sea of flames lingered from above, accompanied by the smell of choking smoke and shed blood that was everywhere.

Holding the keys in his arms, the young man had desperately hoped to never be found by the enemies of his.

Everything happened so fast that he now longed for the truth about the war that was happening outside of where he was now.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath before opening his eyes that were now filled with resolve over something that he had once hesitated over.

He only hoped that in the end, it would be worth it.


Chapter one: A Visit Back to Earth

Alone in the room with no one else but himself, a young teen found himself looking out of the window and into the sky of bright night light with stars shone among it.

He let out a sigh all while he was still stuck in his boredom, for there was no noise, no sound, there was just ... nothing, only silence that filled this room's atmosphere.

Then he hummed, to no one but himself, in a truly curious tone that no humans had the ability to sing it that way. It sounded more like a wailing of some whispers instead.

And the wailing he made sounded both soft and ... lonely, for he had now long for the attention of his missing friends, friends that refused to even pay him some visit with their spare time that they had.

(But he knew that it wasn't the case here, in fact, it was the absolute opposite and he knew it very well who was the one that started it all in the first.)

Everyday, he had nothing to do but to look outside of the open window of his to see, all while thinking about his friends, and also the reason as to why they had not been visiting from the last fight with Retak'ka, which was only weeks ago.

A frown soon appeared on his face, truly he had never felt this lonely before, yet such loneliness never felt all to foreign to him either.

A thought to be curious over, he had to say. Nevertheless, he shoved it all aside, not wanting to think over these for now, for he only wanted peace and quiet.

"Child? What are you doing?"

Without even turning around, Boboiboy already knew who was the one that spoke to him. "Hello, Quake," he greeted.

The voice from earlier – Quake, or Earthquake, as the full name was – only let out a hum in return to his greeting.

"What are you doing?" Another voice then asked, sounding much more childish than the first one, who sounded much more mature than it, and was filled with genuine curiosity about the child. "Is it something fun, or something that is utterly boring?"

"Something like medication," the child answered. "Which I know you have a great dislike toward, Cyclone."


Even without looking, Boboiboy knew that it was now pouting at his answer.

After a while, the sound of soft laughter echoed in the room, as if it found this very amusing.

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