Here's To New Beginnings

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It's been a month, since I met with Mr. Anoa'i and I haven't been able to get our conversation out of my head. I've been so distracted lately, that everyone is worried about me.

Rhea always seems to be watching me, Christian has been more annoyed because of my wandering mind during training. My dad thinks it's because of him and I've been getting gifts from him everyday.

I've barely left my room and I'm going crazy! I wanna tell someone about this, but who?

My phone buzzes and I pick it up. I smile at my screen.

Eva: Hey, I haven't heard from you in awhile, wanna go out for some drinks?"

Me: yeah. Im in need for some girl time.

Eva: Great! I've missed you so much. Want me to call Jojo?

I frown at my phone and sigh.

I haven't talked to Jojo, since she called me. She's always been a good friend to me, but with her parent aligning with the Anoa'i family, I just.. I didn't wanna talk to her.

Me: no. Just me and you this time.

Eva: Ok..I'll come get you around 730

Me:cool! See you tonite

I put my phone away and head downstairs.

I head into my dad's study and find him talking to someone on the phone. I sit heavily in a leather chair and wait for him to hang up.

My dad's eyes keep wandering back and forth from me to the phone. I sigh, as I wait patiently and dad finally hangs up.

"So, are you feeling better?" Dad asks.

I nod. "A little bit. Im going out with Eva for drinks later tonight. I just wanted you to know."

I get and start to walk out of his office.

"Angela, wait." Dad says and I stop.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I..I wanna apologize to you. I haven't been the father you deserve and I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, Sweetpea." Dad says, as he walks up to me.

I nod.

"Will you forgive me? Can you?" He asks.

"You're my dad. I love you. But, if you put your hands on me again, I'll do something you won't like." I warn and he frowns.

"Understood. About you going out, I'm fine with it as long as you take Rhea with you." Dad says.

"Ok. I'll take her." I smile at him and head back to my room.


I'm on the phone with Eva, as I'm looking through my closet.

"So, I'm taking us to a club. We're gonna get lit and dance, it's what we need." Eva says.

I chuckle.

"You know I've never been much of a dancer."

"Yeah, but we both know you're good at it. Remember when you got drunk at Jojo's 21st birthday? You turned into a different person, it was fun to watch." Eva says and I purse my lips in thought.

"How is she?" I ask.

"How do you think? She misses you."

I sigh and sit down on my cream colored bench.

"I know...I just need some time. This is hard for me, Eva."

"I understand...What we should do is hard when you have to do what you're supposed to." Eva says.

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