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Y/n's p.o.v
I wake up outside of the cabin on the ground confused as hell. What the fuck happened? ''What's going on?'' I mumble as I get up. The last thing i remember is running with Xavier, Montana and Trevor. It's still dark but the sun is sure to come up. I dust my white shorts off and knock on the cabin door. There is no answer so I just decide to walk in. The cabin is dark when I open the door so I flip the light switch as I walk in closing the door behind me.

I notice a body on the bed covered with a sheet which makes my stomach drop. Did someone die? Are they sleeping? No they have to be dead because who the fuck would be dumb enough to sleep during this time. I slowly walk over and I take a deep breath for courage. I slowly pull the sheet from the Person's face with my eyes closed. I take a moment and inhale before opening my eyes. I freeze in place as I am face to face with myself. What the fuck is going on? Is this some sick fucking joke?

In panic I pull the sheet all the way off and gasp at the sight. There lay my body with s bloody jacket tied around my waist. I fall back in shock and cover my mouth as I scream. ''What the fuck!'' I cry as i start to shake. ''What happened'' I continue to sob as I look at my stuff body on the bed. This has to be a fucking nightmare. This can't be real at all. Xavier, I need xavier. I climb to my feet shakily and run out of the cabin. What was this and why was it happening.

''Xavier! Montana!'' I scream as I run through the woods. ''Ray! Brooke! Chet! SOMEONE!!'' I scream as I keep on looking for something familiar. I wipe the tears from my face as I continue to cry. I don't notice it but I run into someone launching me backwards. ''Ow fuck'' i mumble before looking up to be faced with mr.Jingles making me scream as I move back. He just stands there looking at me. ''Get back! Get back now!'' I yell as I get to my feet and start running in the other direction. What the fuck us happening!

While running someone grabs my arm and I am stabbed in the side from behind making me cry out in pain. I whip around to see him. The night stalker. ''You!'' He yells before looking down at my torso. ''Please'' I groan in pain. He swings at me again stabbing me in my ribcage. ''I saw your dead body just a couple of minutes ago'' He says slicing my stomach open making me scream even louder. ''PLEASE STOP'' I cry out before he swings again slicing my throat open making everything immediately go dark. I slowly open my eyes and next thing I know I am a couple miles away from where I was killed.

What the fuck is happening? Am I a ghost? No that's not possible ghosts can't get killed again. I get up from the floor of the forest and look around to see the sun starting to rise. I recognize where I am at so I decide to run towards the mess hall. Someone has to be there right? I start running for the mess hall when I get there I look and see Brooke sitting on top of Montana Stabbing her repeatedly making me scream at the sight of my bestfriend being killed.

''Brooke stop!'' I scream making her look over at me while a Bus pulls in with little kids on it. Oh fuck. They all start screaming and crying from the sight of The brunette covered in blood with the knife inside of another girl. I feel panic and run back to the forest still feeling uneasy. I cover my mouth as I lean against a tree with my hand over my mouth while I sob quietly. She just killed my bestfriend and I saw it. I cry for what feels like an hour ''Babe, what's wrong?'' I hear from beside me. I whip my head and look over to see Xavier.

''Oh my god Xavier'' I cry out as I quickly jump to my feet wrapping my arms around him while sobbing into his chest. ''What happened?'' He asks while he holds me tightly against him. ''Brooke killed Montana'' I cry into his chest. I pull away from him and feel his face. ''Are-are you still alive?'' I ask. ''I-I don't think I am'' he sighs making me look up at him. ''When I woke up I was a few feet away from my body'' he says making me sigh feeling sad that his life had also ended.

''Do you know what is going on?'' I ask him wanting something to make sense. ''I take it we're ghosts'' he shrugs his shoulders. ''That's what I thought until I was able to touch the living and they were able to see me and I got killed a second time'' I explain with a worried expression. ''Babe calm down'' he says in a soft tone resting his hands on my shoulders. ''We will figure it out okay?'' He states making me nod my head with a sigh. ''I'm just so confused, one minute I'm waking up and seeing my dead body and the next I'm dying again'' I rest my forehead against his shoulder.

''It's gonna be okay Y/n'' he pulls me in closer to him. After a minute we hear sirens, lots of them. ''We gotta hide just in case'' he instructs making me nod. We both walk a bit deeper into the forest and sit behind a tree leaned up against eachother. I rest my head up against Xavier and wrap my arms around him. We sit there in silence for about 20 minutes or so.''I wonder'' he says aloud making me look up at him. ''Can ghosts have sex?'' He asks with a chuckle making me smile.

☆Camp Redwood☆ - Xavier PlymptonWhere stories live. Discover now