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Y/n's p.o.v
Soon we pull up to the parking lot to see a blonde in quite the khaki set chopping wood. We park and Xavier turns the the van off before we get out. ''Woah boss lady chopping her own wood. Choice.'' Montana smile catching the attention of the lady. ''Well, we'll all have to wear multiple hats around here. We are short staffed and the kids will be arriving in the morning. Margaret Booth'' the lady introduces herself to all of us. ''Are we the only counselors here?'' Xavier asks as he steps up behind me and holds my waist pushing me towards him making me feel his friend in his pants.

''Well, the Olympics create thousands of temporary jobs, and my pool of potential employees was limited'' Margaret explains making us all nod our heads in understanding. ''Is there a nurse or a medic here?'' Brooke calls our from the Van. ''We have a situation'' Montana explains as we all walk over to the open back door of the van. ''What happened?'' Margaret asks looking at the hiker. ''Um, he was by the side of the road'' Xavier explains making us all nod our heads in agreement.

''Okay well let's get him to the infirmary'' Margret instructs. Both Ray and Chet carry him out of the the van and margaret leads us to the infirmary building where the guys lay him down of the bed. ''You say you found him in the middle of the road'' the nurse asks looking at the guy. ''This is nurse Rita'' Margret informs. ''He was by the side of the road'' Xavier clarifies. Jesus did he suck at not being suspicious right now. ''He's been pretty out of it, saying weird things and not making too much sense'' Ray sighs.

''He's severely dehydrated. He probably went for a hike and got lost. Couldn't find his way back and got panicked. People don't realize just how deep these woods are.'' Nurse Rita explains while she gets the man hooked up to an IV with what I'm assuming is a mixture of electrolytes. ''Hikers get lost in them every year.'' She sighs as she uses medical tape to secure the IV in place. ''End up dead of hypothermia or falling into a ravine or disappearing altogether. He's lucky you found him'' she explains making us all nod our heads in agreement.

''Is he gonna die?'' Brooke asks suddenly making me roll my eyes. Sure I liked her but sometimes her assuming the worst of everything and being a mood killer really annoyed the fuck out of me to say the least. ''Not on my watch'' Nurse Rita says as she starts cleaning his cuts. ''I work the ER  at Hawthorne hospital the rest of the year'' she explains making Brooke look more at ease. ''Why don't we give our nurse a little space'' Margaret suggests and we all nod our heads and soon make our way out of the infirmary.

''I can show you the camp'' she says walking. We make it to a dock. ''We have rowboats and canoes, all children must have a buddy to go into the water.'' She explains before turning to look at us. ''The lake is allegedly bottomless and drowning is the number one cause of death for U.S campers'' she says with a bit if a frown on her face. ''What's the second?'' Xavier smirks making me cover my mouth with my hand to stifle a chuckle while standing beside him. Margaret rolls her eyes as we walk back from where we came from and make our way to the mess hall.

''This is chef Bertie'' she introduces the short curly haired brunette. ''Dibs'' Xavier yells out making me roll my eyes. ''You wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it'' Bertie smirks making Xaviers look turn serious while Ray chuckles. ''Out those scrawny arms to work and help a lady fill her pantry'' chef Bertie says handing Xavier a crate that she was holding. ''All of you grab a create. This heat is killer'' she sighs wiping her forehead. Everyone grabs one and brings it into the kitchen. ''Chef Bertie worked here when I was a counselor'' Margaret smiles.

While margaret is talking to the others with Bertie I can't help but check out Xavier with a smirk. When he sets the crate down and he looks towards me with a certain look in his eyes. I bite my bottom lip as I set down the crate and walk out infront of him making sure to sway my hips a little more. Soon we are off on our way again. ''Girls shower in the a.m, boys shower in the p.m., same goes for counselors'' she explains as we walk past the showers. I roll my eyes at this.

☆Camp Redwood☆ - Xavier PlymptonWhere stories live. Discover now