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Y/n's p.o.v
We all walk out to the the woods and the boys already have a fire started in the pit. I walked over and I sit on a tree branch that was long ways out. As I do that Xavier walks over to me and stands in between my legs and I play with his hair. Ray pulls out a blunt and lights it up before taking a hit. He passes it to chet and Nurse Rita walks over sitting on a log. He passes the Blunt to Xavier and he takes a hit before turning to me and holding it for me as I take my hit.

He goes to pass it to nurse Rita who puts her hand up. ''I don't smoke that funny weed. The only thing I put in my lungs is a Marlboro red'' she explains making Xavier hand it back to Chet while still standing between my legs. ''You know that shit will kill you'' Xavier snarks. ''All gotta die somehow'' she shrugs while kicking her feet. ''Any of you been camp counselors before?'' She asks looking around. All of us shake our heads no. ''Nah we just had to get out of LA'' Chet explains.

''I hear that. Couldn't stand being in that city another minute, not with all of those gruesome murders happening so close to home'' she mumbles. ''I was attacked in my apartment by the nightstalker'' Brooke says suddenly making Nurse Rita look over at her. ''He said he would come after me'' she frowns looking down. Oh my god Brooke. ''Brooke take a chill pill'' Montana sighs in annoyance. ''Brooke he doesn't know where you are no one followed us here'' I roll my eyes feeling frustrated with the brunette meanwhile Xavier moves to sit next to me.

''Nothing bad is gonna happen here'' Montana tries to reassure the girl sitting beside her. ''Maybe not but something did 14 years ago'' Rita says as she pulls out a cigarette from her pocket lighting it up with her lighter. ''Rita I totally understand the tradition, and usually I'm cool with that. But our friend brooke over there had a for-real assault, and we're just not in the mood for a bullshit ghost story'' Xavier explains while he grips my upper thigh. ''It's not bullshit and there was no ghost'' she says blowing smoke towards Xavier and I.

''I'll be honest with you, I've never been a nurse at a summer camp before. And you've never been counselors'' she sighs looking around at us. ''So how did we get these jobs with no prior experience?'' She asks but gets no answer from any of us. ''That's because anybody that knows anything about camp redwood doesnt want to be in camp redwood'' she explains making me kind of get the shivers. I think about what the twat at the gas station was talking about and goosebumps are on my body. Xavier notices and chuckles as he wraps his arms around me.

''This is the sight of the sight of the worst summer camp massacre of all time'' She explains making me lean into Xavier further. ''Come on Rita'' Xavier says in an annoyed tone. ''His name is Benjamin Richter'' she says looking round at everyone. ''But every body called him Mr.Jingles'' She adds on. ''Richter was drafted into the Vietnam war. They sent him off to Saigon, and that's where he found his calling'' soon the blunt makes it's way back to both Xavier and I. ''Just finish it off'' Chet mumbles making Xavier nod his head inhaling some smoke.

''He had the highest kill rate in his company. And even after he was wounded he went back for a second tour. See, he liked to kill, and he was good at it.'' I take a hit from the blunt while Xavier holds it for me before craning my neck up to kiss him and blow the smoke in his mouth. ''He had a nasty habit of collecting trophies from his enemies'' she says while Brooke has wide eyes. ''Cut off their ears and strung them onto a necklace'' she says making brooke gasp and cover her mouth. ''Jesus'' Ray cringes.

''Army found out about it and gave him dishonorable discharge, Richter came home to nothing. The only job he was able to get was right here in Camp Redwood'' she throws the butt of her cigarette into the fire. ''Nobody knows exactly why he snapped. But one random night Mr.Jingles grabs a knife and slaughters an entire cabin'' she shrugs her shoulders while we all quietly listen to her. ''Ten victims in all'' she looks around at everyone. ''You're wrong'' The voice of Margret makes me jump from my spot while Xavier holds onto me tightly.

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