9-1-1: Brie Nash x Eddie Diaz

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Brie Nash and Eddie Diaz had been sent on a call to a building that was on fire. They knew that they needed to act fast if they were going to save the people who were trapped inside. As they made their way through the building, they suddenly found themselves trapped together in a small room.

As they waited for help to arrive, Brie and Eddie started to talk. They had always been close, but they had never really talked about their feelings for each other. But as they sat there, facing the possibility that they might not make it out alive, they knew that they needed to be honest with each other.

Brie was the first to speak. "Eddie, I need to tell you something. I've been in love with you for a long time now. I just didn't know how to tell you."

Eddie looked at her, surprised. "Brie, I had no idea. I've been in love with you too. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship."

As they sat there, holding hands, they knew that they didn't want to die without telling each other how they felt. And as they waited for help to arrive, they made a promise to each other. If they made it out alive, they would start a relationship and see where it took them.

Just as they made their promise, they heard the sound of the rest of the 118 arriving. They knew that they were going to be saved. As the rest of the team worked to get them out of the building, Brie and Eddie held onto each other, grateful to be alive and grateful to have each other.

When they finally emerged from the building, they were met with cheers and applause from the rest of the team. They had all been worried about them, and they were relieved to see that they were both okay.

As they walked away from the building, Brie and Eddie knew that they had been given a second chance. They had almost lost each other, but now they had a chance to start something new. And as they walked away hand in hand, they knew that they were going to make the most of that second chance.

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