Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rodgers

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Wanda Maximoff and Steve Rodgers had been friends for years. They had fought side by side in many battles and had always been there for each other, no matter what. They respected each other's strength, intelligence, and courage, and had become incredibly close over time.

One day, while on a mission together, Steve and Wanda found themselves alone in a quiet, secluded area. They had been discussing the mission when Steve suddenly stopped talking and looked at Wanda in a way she had never seen before. His eyes seemed to be searching for something, and Wanda felt her heart start to race.

"Steve, is everything okay?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Steve took a deep breath and stepped closer to her. "Wanda, I have to tell you something. I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I just can't keep it to myself anymore."

Wanda's heart was pounding in her chest as she waited for Steve to continue.

"I love you, Wanda," Steve said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've loved you for a long time, and I just can't imagine my life without you in it."

Wanda was stunned. She had never thought of Steve in that way before, but now that he had said it, she couldn't ignore the feelings that were rising up inside of her.

"Steve, I don't know what to say," she said, her voice trembling. "I never thought of you in that way before, but now that you've said it, I can't stop thinking about it."

Steve took Wanda's hand in his and pulled her close. "Then don't say anything," he said, his eyes locked on hers. "Just let me show you how much I care about you."

And with that, Steve leaned in and kissed Wanda gently on the lips. It was a soft, sweet kiss, but it was filled with all the love that Steve had been holding back for so long.

From that day on, Wanda and Steve were inseparable. They fought side by side, just like they always had, but now they had something more - a deep and abiding love that gave them strength and courage in even the toughest battles. They knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what the future held.

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