A Supernova

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If you died, my hands would always be warm

If you died, there would be an extra star in the sky

If you died, I would be outside in every thunderstorm

If you died, I would still write

If you died, I'd buy you flowers to repay you for everything you ever bought me.

If you died, I would cry 10 times and much as I do now. And we all know that I cry a lot.

If you died, I would vist your grave and tell you about everything.

If you died, I would tell my dad all about you, even the part that I was in love with you.

If you died, I would pursue writing a book, you would have your own chapter.

If you died, there would be a supernova in the sky and a full moon out.

But you wouldn't be able to see it threw the clouds of a thunderstorm.

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