"The unfinished reputation"

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Missing 56 days

You would come to school and people would look and stare
Like you have just broken an unspoken rule apon the people

It was all on you.

They'd ask
"Where we're you"
"How have you been"

And you'd respond with the same thing

I was sick, I was sick, I was sick, I was sick

Or was it just a cover
So they would stop asking.

Was the looks of pity worth a few hours of peace?


And you knew that

But how could you walk through those doors not knowing what would happen once you stepped inside?

What they'd say.

They could care less about you and all you have to say

And you knew that

But yet it still terrified you.

Like a small bunny afraid to cross the road.

Who would hurt a small bunny, for she could barley take care of herself.

She was prey

Only put on earth for the cycle, for the experience

But she would never stop asking,
Why she was there in the first place.

Just as prey, never ment as anything more.

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