Chapter 8

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My alarm went off. I sat up quickly and, with my eyes still closed, slammed my hand down on the button to stop the endless ringing. I swear there is nothing worse than the sound of an alarm clock.

As soon as the ringing stopped I fell back into my bed.

"You can't just go back to sleep. You'll be late." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes slowly. Though my vision was still blurry from sleep, I saw Tristan lying down on the couch across from my bed. 

"What - how did you get in?" my voice was barely understandable.

"I came when Aaron was leaving - he told me to come wake you up." Tristan said simply. I frowned.

"But you didn't wake me up." my brain was working slowly.

"You looked too peaceful to be bothered." he sighed.

"Oh." I said. 

"So how'd it go last night?" I asked.

"Um... my parents never were very logical." Tristan said finally.

"That bad huh?" I asked. Tristan smiled at my understanding. I got out of bed and began walking to the bathroom door when I heard Tristan inhale sharply. I turned around quickly.

"What -" I stopped. He was staring at me.

"Oh." I breathed, looking down. It's been so hot at night lately that I sleep in a t-shirt and underwear. 

"Um. I'll just be in here." I said quickly, disappearing into my closet. I heard Tristan laugh. After half an hour i was ready and he was bored.

"Girls take so long to get ready." Tristan complained.

"Please." I rolled my eyes. "Half an hour is nothing." I grabbed an apple and we were out the door. We got into his car and he drove us to school.

The next few days went by smoothly. Tristan and I spoke - to the dismay of his friends, but we never talked about anything serious. 

On Friday morning, Tristan and I planned to hang out after school so I was going to meet him by his car when school ended. 

At lunch that day, Tristan had re-confirmed our plans for after school. I watched him walk away after the bell rang ending lunch. All week I had been by his side and I saw nothing wrong with him. Nothing off at all.

At the end of the day I headed towards his car. When I reached it, I saw Tristan wasn't there. This was unusual because somehow he was always the first person at his car or at one of our lockers.. or whatever. Nevertheless I waited.

I called him once... twice... nothing. I looked down at my phone. It was 4:00. School had been out for half and hour now and Tristan still wasn't here. Blindly, I started to walk back towards the school buildings. I walked into the office, without an actual destination when I saw Tristan through the half-closed blinds of the principals office. 

I walked up to the lady at the desk.

"Hi Hannah." she said to me warmly.

"What can I do for you?" she asked. I shook my head, my focus still on Tristan through the blinds.

"Um - why is Tristan..." I pointed to the principal's office. The lady glanced to where I was pointing and then at me. Her face was concerned.

"Sweetie, Tristan had a bit of a problem earlier -" the woman began. Then she was cut off.

"Hannah Avery. Can I please see you in my office." my counselor, Mr. Samuels eyed me as he quickly walked by the front desk.

"Um okay." I said with a frown. What the hell was going on? I waved good-bye to the lady at the front desk who returned my gesture with a worried look. I followed my counselor into his office.

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