47. Two truths and a lie

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Connor POV:

I could be having sex right now.

That wasn't the first time I'd thought that. I'd been letting that thought dance around my head. I'd been kicking myself for not going with Jet. It didn't make sense since I was working and he was busy with finals but I missed him.

I wanted him here with me and not just because of the sex.

Well a least a little bit because of the sex. It was really good sex.

But I guess being at home wasn't the worst. I had a feeling that Jetson had asked my friends to keep an eye on me. Reid had showed up almost everyday claiming he was bored. Even Cass had reached out a few times. That's how I ended up here sandwiched between the two on my couch.

"You're so fucking stupid." Cass snapped grabbing a pillow throwing it at Reid who was frowning next to me.

"How am I stupid? I'm not the stupid one, you just said you don't believe in pigeons." He argued like a five year old.

"And?" She crossed her arms preparing for whatever Reid had to say next.

They'd been going back and forth for awhile. It'd started with Cass talking about star signs and then somehow it got to arguing about conspiracy theories. It was all very entertaining.

"At least she's not an idiot who believes everything they see online." I added really just enjoying the way it got them riled up again.

"I don't just believe everything I see online! I only believe the shit that's actual proven facts." Reid ran his hand through his dark brown curls in frustration.

"The shadows are off, how would they even take pictures on the moon let alone a whole fucking video? I can't even get service in the back room at work most days." Cass dove back into her moon landing theories.

"You're a crazy idiot, what do you believe in?"

"I believe that I'm always right," She shrugged with a smile.

"How does it feel to be completely delusional?" Reid asked.

"Feels a lot better than being a stupid idiot who mindlessly believes everything he ever hears."

"I know when something's a lie." Reid tried to defend himself.

I wanted to be able to support my friend but Reid wasn't always great at telling when people were lying. If anyone would know that about him it was me.

"Two truths and a lie let's go." Cass demanded.

"Alright give it to me." Reid accepted the challenge I could see that familiar spark of competitiveness in his eyes.

"My ex wrote a novel about me, I once moved across the country to follow a guy I met three months earlier, and I'm rich." She smiled seeming to think she had outsmarted Reid. 

"Easy you're not rich, everyone knows that." He answered.

"Wrong, I only knew the guy for two weeks before moving with him."

"You're rich?" I asked totally shocked.

"Some people might think so." She just shrugged.

Considering she worked with me at the grocery store and I'd seen the tiny dump of an apartment she was living in. I didn't know exactly what she considered rich but I had to think her definition might be different than mine.

Everything I learned about Cass was a surprise. She just lived as she did and never apologized for any of it. And for being younger than me she seemed to have lived a lot more than I ever did. Even with all she'd been happy to share unprompted to me over the time I knew her there was still so much about Cass that was a complete mystery.

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