Chapter 17

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The Next Day

Peter and Mary Jane are eating lunch at the cafe trying not to bring up what happened with Eddie but they both know that the awkward silence is killing them
"How long are we supposed to keep quiet?" Asked Mary Jane
"I don't know" said Peter
"But what are we supposed to talk about, after all you discovered and became the host of an alien parasite and then Eddie used it to try to kill you" said Mary Jane
"But Eddie is locked up in SHIELD custody so i don't know how he would come back" said Peter
"Let's just hope that you're not forced to deal with that again" said Mary Jane
"But man what a crazy series of events the last few days have been haven't they?" Asked Peter
"Yeah they sure have been" said Mary Jane
"But the strangest thing about all of this is that when venom attacked me, my spider sense didn't go off" said Peter
"Which Means that he was able to sneak up on you" said Mary Jane
"Yep but all I know is that the symbiote allowed Eddie to replicate my powers so it must have found a way to block my spider sense" said Peter
"Do you even know how your Spider-sense works, do you?" Asked Mary Jane
"Not really" said Peter

After the two go there separate ways, Peter returns to his apartment where he sits on his bed and continues to think about everything that's happened between him and Eddie
"Everything that's happened recently, this is what it must have felt like when my dad and Norman Osborn had there falling out, if things planned out differently then maybe I wouldn't feel like this" Peter said to himself as he grabbed his notes about the symbiote and then a spark of inspiration hits him
"I know MJ and I hope that venom never returns but since I know what the Symbiote is able to do so I might as well prepare myself if that ever happens" Peter said to himself as begins work on some anti symbiote technology.

Meanwhile In The Raft

Eddie Brock is being transported to his cell, a cell specifically designed for him as it was built with high frequency devices that proceed to keep the Symbiote weak and inactive
"Here's your new home, enjoy your stay" a SHIELD guard says sarcastically as Eddie is thrown in and the door shuts behind him, he sits down on the bench, his head held down in shame as he thinks about everything that's happened to him in his life, his parents' death, him meeting and befriending Peter Parker, learning about the symbiote from doctor Connors and how Peter betrayed him which lead to him becoming venom and now he's locked up like a criminal because of it
"Just my luck that this would happen, it's all Peter Parker's fault, if I never called him then I wouldn't be in this situation and now he gets to call himself a superhero while I'm treated like a criminal because of him but one day, I will get my out of here and once that happens then Spider-Man will suffer for what he has done to me and his death will make me happy" Eddie said to himself as the symbiote envelopes his hand as the symbiote has fully recovered from its vibrational assault and then Eddie starts laughing maniacally as he has finally gone insane.

Venom Will Return

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