Chapter 11

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The Next Day

Spider-Man swings through the city, the symbiote influencing him more and more as the days goes by with him becoming more violent and angrier but also the suit is changing as well, changing to become more monstrous but that this point he doesn't care as the two are essentially one being now but Spider-Man is completely unaware that the black suit is making him weaker but then his Spider Sense goes off, he lands on the ground and looks around but sees no one
"It was a false warning" said Spider-Man and just when he's about to, he's attacked by robots, he quickly leaps out of the way completely caught off guard
"What the hell?" Asked Spider-Man as he was surrounded
"Spider-Man, you are being ordered to stand down and surrender by order of SHIELD " said The robots
"Isn't surrender and stand down basically the same thing also I don't need SHIELD'S help" Spider-Man stated but then they aimed there guns at him and started shooting at him and thanks to the symbiote, a tendril shot from his arm and grabbed the robot crushing it in his grasp
"Nothing more than a Useless hunk of metal" said the Symbiote
"Agreed" said Spider-Man but then a robot shot him with a tranquilizer dart which would normally cause hi to slow down but Spider-Man continued to fight through the tranq running through his system as the symbiote was trying to push it out but it seemed like both were very overtaxed but Spider-Man manages to escape
"I need to get to a place to hide or else I'm not going to make it before I fall unconscious" said Spider-Man but just as he's about to shoot a web to escape again, he falls onto the ground unconscious.


Since losing his job and getting kicked out of college due to him losing the symbiote, Eddie Brock has been struggling to get by as it seems like he has been unable to get work for the past couple days and now as he's returning to his apartment after falling to get another job
"Stupid Spider-Man, it's because of you that I lost everything" said Eddie Brock as he walks up to his apartment building and sees a eviction notice on the door
"Now I'm losing my apartment" said Eddie as his anger starts to consume him
"This is all your fault Spider-Man, that alien was the last thing I had of my father and now I have nothing but mark my words, I will have my vengeance" said Eddie.

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