⋅⟡⋅ Chapter 3 - School? Not Again!⋅⟡⋅

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The sun rose, and it was another great morning....
Y/N yawned and sat up in bed rubbing their eyes smiling

"Good morning..." They muttered

Y/N looked around their room with a tired Smile, the sound of the birds singing their morning song in the trees next to Y/N's window filled their ears.
But the moment didn't last long.

"Y/N! Get up! You have to get ready for school!" Y/N heard their mother yell across the house

And just like that, it was like the whole mood changed.
Y/N sighs and groans, climbing out of bed slowly.
They stretch as they are on their feet and go into their closet to get changed.
When they changed into their new clothes, they went to their desk and grabbed a hair brush, brushing through their hair making it all fluffy and soft, thank god they had a shower last night!
Y/N grabbed their bag and made their way to the door, Taking a moment to stop and look over at Wally, who's still sitting on the shelf
Y/N smiled and then left the room, shutting the door behind them.

On the way to school, Y/N met up with their friends. The Same ones that joined Y/N on the bin digging yesterday.
As they were walking one of them groaned

"I could have sworn yesterday was Saturday." They sighed

"Yeah! I thought today was Sunday." The other kid pouted

"Well, it's only Monday, how bad can it be?" Y/N asked

As they walked into the school ground, and into the building, all the kids around them were half asleep and in a bad mood.

"...oh..." Y/N realized today wasn't going to be as fun as they hoped.

While in class, Y/N was spoiling their paper with little drawings.
The teacher was talking about History, which Y/N didn't all enjoy that much.
Y/N didn't see the point in it, and was quite bored when in this lesson, with nothing to do.
Y/N was just about to nod off to sleep cause of how boring the lesson was-

‧₊˚ BEEP Y/N L/N Can you please report to the office? That's Y/N L/N thank you. ‧₊˚

The intercom went off.
Y/N sighed, wondering what they had been called to the office for.
The teacher called them to go quickly, because it was distracting the class
Y/N nodded and got up, leaving the classroom with their bag, just in case.
Y/N walked through the hallways, anticipating what were to happen
Are they get in trouble?
Did they do something?
Why can't they remember?
Questions circled Y/N's head, as they opened the door to the office and walked in.
Y/N walked upto the desk, being too short to see the actual desk.
They grabbed a stool and stepped on it looking over at the office lady

"Good morning Mrs White! I was called to the office over the intercom thingy" Y/N told her.

"Ah yes, Follow me, Honey" the lady stood up.

"U-um, am I in trouble?" Y/N asked jumping off the stool and rushing over to follow her

"No, not at all, the principal just wants to have a word with you" she explained rather calmly, though she was always like that.

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