⋅⟡⋅ Chapter 1 - Meeting the Puppet! ⋅⟡⋅

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˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.

Writer's Note at the end of the chapter!!

It's a normal day, the winds blowing gently through the air, making the trees lightly shiver.

It's clear skies, and the sun is beaming down on the people of Y/N's neighborhood.

Y/N and their friends decided to go digging out trash and see if they could find any cool stuff.

So they got together a few neighborhoods away from their homes and searched through trash cans, ran from angry residents and filled their bags with a bunch of cool stuff in people's bins.

It was the last house, it was getting late, the sun was setting.

Y/N and their 2 other friends had found a jackpot, 4 large bins filled with all sorts of stuff. From dolls and arts and crafts to broken and useless trash.

Y/N was looking through their own bin, while the other two looked through the other 3.

Y/N was amazed at all of the stuff, taking some for themself and into their bag. They moved onto the bin next to the one they just looked to and stared inside in amazement...

"Hey guys?" Y/N turned to look at their two friends who were digging deep into one of the bins together

"Yeah, Y/N?" One of them ask poking their head out of the Bin

"Have you guys looked in this bin yet?" Y/N pointed at the bin they were standing in front of.

"Nope!" The other kid replies looking at it

"Why? Is something in it?" The same kid asked

"Come look, I found something really cool" Y/N called them over, one of their hands waving towards themself signaling they come look quickly.

The two looked at each other before jumping out of the bin and rushing over to look

"What is it?" The two looked inside the bin, followed by Y/N

Inside the bin was an old Puppet... blue messy hair and yellow skin... the fabric of the clothes and skin was a bit torn up and dirty...

"Woah... that looks creepy." One of the kids commented

"You think it's creepy? I think it's cute!" Y/N picked it up as the two kids took a step back

"Where did it come from?" One kid asked

"Where do you think?" The other looked at the kid next to them like they were an idiot

"It must've come from this house. No one just throws a random puppet into a random person's bin." They continued.

"I'm gonna keep it." Y/N Smiled

"Are you crazy? What if it's haunted!" One kid blurted out

The other kid looked at them again, like they were an idiot.

"Are you serious? It's a puppet. What's it going to do?" The kid asked sarcastically

"You need to stop watching those show's your mum watches" Y/N gave the kid an unimpressed look

"I can't help it! It's so cool..." the kid replied.

The other kid and Y/N looked at each other and sighed

"Let's just go, before we get caught," the kid said.

The three hurried ups had closed the bins before rushing out.

They all bid their goodbyes and split off heading home.

Y/N held the puppet in their hands tightly.


Writers Note:

Ah yes, It's been a while since I've written for anyone but myself!
(unless it's my one friend but we don't talk abt that!!!!)
Chapters are pretty small, Sorry, Maybe they'll be longer the more i work on them, But as of writing this, I'm not quite sure.

While we are here! I'm DDiva. Nice to meet ya!
I hope you are enjoying this so far, even if it's very short right now, I hope we grow an awesome and healthy community!
If you have any head cannons of any of the characters, any story ideas or just... anything in general! Comment on it! And if you don't want your comment on here for everyone to see, just message me privately, I'd love to hear it! I want to engage with you all as much as possible and make your time reading enjoyable. Reading is a great hobby, no matter what anyone says, if it's on paper or on a device, reading is great! Studies even found a reduction in stress of up to 68% in people when silently reading! So keep it up!
If you'd like more information about the book itself, refer to the Book's description under its title!

Thanks for reading this, if you even did, these are pretty boring. Stay safe y'all < 3


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