First Steps

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Hi, I'm back for this series it's gonna be about Luna's milestone and other toddler stuff, this is the continuation of the other books

It's been 11 months after I gave birth to Luna the othe day I had taken her for her 11 months old check up at the hospital and the doctor said that she might walk anytime soon, cause she have been now showing signs of walking. And anytime we get a chance
We really do try and encourage her.

Until one day...

Preston was sitting on the floor almost half a meter or so away from where  I was sitting as he held Luna on both hands as he helps her with balance.

I held my hands out calling for her trying to get her to advance towards me. She took a few steps while holding Preston's hand and she fell but Preston picked her up And tried again.

The process has been repeating for around 30 minutes now, before changing our techniques. Preston tried to place his hands on her hips so she'll use her arms for balance and she took a couple wobbly steps and once he removed his hands, she still continued to waddle towards me.

"Well done moon(her nickname)" I said lifting Luna upand pecking her. "Go get daddy" I half yelled and did what Preston done but removing my hands even before she started walking.

"Look at my smart little girl" He said throwing he up and giggles could be heard throughout the room.

Luna would be one in a week and I couldn't be more happier with our little family...

273 words

Hoped you liked the 1st chapter of the new series, don't forget to like and comment cause it's free.

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