Chapter 10: Tusks hurt, like a lot

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-Kinda forgot this existed for a sec... Anyways don't mind this extremely late upload-


Y/n POV:

It is 6 in the morning, the sun just rose, I did not have my coffee yet, so WHAT IS GOING ON IN TEAM RWBY'S DORM!?

Seriously! What is going on in there? I am pretty sure I heard a jackhammer, a truck and something collapse for the third time this morning! Do these girls even have a shred of shame for how much noise they are causing on this calm and beautiful morning?

"Hey, Y/n. I got your coffee you needed." And theres Archer, or Shirou Emiya. The Counter Guardian one. I carefully cup the mug into my hands and sip, the nectar of the gods fully waking me up for the day. It was a good idea to install a coffee machine into our dorm room. And coffee made by his hands seemed on par with the delicacies made by the gods of cooking. But as I savoured this sacred moment, it was broken by him chuckling and saying something about 'Rin', whoever that is.

"Get up, we still need to decorate our room." Groaning, I reluctantly heed Shirou's words and started to shift through my luggage for a few minutes, periodically taking a handful of clothes out and putting them into my closet, or other random items and shoving them into drawers.

When I finally finished, Shirou and I walked to the cafeteria and ordered my food, consisting of just a bowl of cereal without milk and coffee. I avoided the pumpkin petes stuff though. No offense but, I dont like pumpkins that much. However for some reason, Shirou got into an arguement with one of the cooks. No idea why but ain't my problem. Just after finishing my food though a bunch of cooks were surrounding Shirou and calling him Master or Sensei. What?

(Kinda weird if you think about it, Shirou was actually not that good of a cook back before when he was just a teen. Even Rin was a better cook than him.)


(Don't worry about it. Just know his younger self wasn't a very good cook canon wise.)


(And the suicidal fighting style he uses is also non-canon. But this is fanfiction, we don't worry about this shit.)


(Like I said, don't worry about it.)

"Y/n." Shirou said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes Shirou?" He passes me a plate of bacon and eggs... "I already ate."

"You ate a bowl of cereal. You can't last until lunch if you just ate that." You underestimate my power, Archer.

"Bet." Archer facepalms.

"Eat it."


Archer glares at me, and the room feels colder already...

"Eat. It." I gulp and comply with his *request* and I have to admit, it is one of the greatest things I have ate in a long time.

After scarfing down my undeniably tasty plate of bacon and eggs, we head to class and arrive a few minutes before it starts. We take a seat (At the back, of course) and wait for class.


"Don't tell me what to do!" There is Weiss Schnee, resident ice queen of team RWBY. Look at how gracefully she handles the Boarbatusk.

Sad Ruby noises* And there is Ruby Rose, leader of team RWBY. Look how elegantly she handles rejection. Wait a sec-

As she finally finishes the fight, Weiss kills the boar, but somehow manages to fling a tusk at me... Wait at me?

"Oh shi-!" I bring up my aura (that is not small at all), not that it mattered since it shattered as soon as the tusk made contact, and turned my intestines inside out.


Everyone looked shocked and in Weiss's case, terrified. Archer however knew what was going on next and just waited.

Because it activated my trap card!

Well my semblance.

Because as soon as I died, my dead body turned pixelated and a big green pipe appeared where my body was, before I popped out like a video game character.

I almost burst out laughing at their faces, almost failing at ice princess and Prof Port's expression.

It was still painful though.

A/n: This took a really long time. And I still don't have a name for my stand yet!

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