Chapter 3: Becoming a god?

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Chapter 3: Becoming a god?

PS: I barely know shit about the land of remnant so forgive me plz.

Last time on a genius in remnant: Y/n saved Summer and disappeared to god knows where. Where will his journey take him now? Find out on Dragon Ball-

When I entered Mistral, I never expected it to be this cramped. Like jeez! You would have thought like. 'Oh, why don't you just go and live in the desert? There's plenty of land there!' The thing is, that desert is home to like a bunch of grimm. And practically none of the guards around have an aura. The ones that do are stationed at the city just in case a grimm attack comes. What about the white fang? Their still in their peace protests. Thank god, or is it Oum? Rest in peace dude. Wait... is there any anime in this world? Gimme a sec author.



(You can't just break the-)

I can and I will, what are you gonna do about it?



(Fair enough.)

Anyway after using my op wishing book to get a scroll I found out that there is no anime on this world! Time to copyright!

-Time skip-

Ok, after using my book (Again) I created my own company called media enterprises which I quickly uploaded the dragon ball series (Again, from the book) and watched the views go up. Apparently it went up cause it was funny, and had a faunus protagonist. (Yes, I know my writing sucks, I'm doing this at 5 in the morning.) Shush author, the adults are talking. (...Since when did he have that much sass?)

-Time skip with chibi Y/n laughing about not having to deal with copyright-

So two years have past, I have uploaded Naruto, bleach, and a few episodes of One Piece ( 69 ) and have unlocked my aura. Also uploaded Dragonball z. I have gained at least 3000 lien a day. I also gained Ki, Chakra Yin/Yang energy respectively. Luckily when I had to go public I mastered my Chakra enough to perform genjutsu to make myself look older. But damn being a faunus is hard. The glares are almost on Naruto level. I have created my own weapon (not without some trial and error) which is a SMG/axe/sword combo. Let's just say I had stirred a bit of chaos in Mistral.


I have arrived on Mistral because honestly, its a piece of shit and I kinda wanna help it. I look as if I'm in my 20's, thank oum for genjutsu, and walked through the main street. Many people who were on the street were either vendors, homeless or orphans. I took pity on them so I stopped time for a sec with Star Platinum, and wrote in my book so I can make anything appear in my palm. I gave most of them fruits or lien. But for the orphans I gave them plushies and fruits. Many were surprised, but many more were thankful for the gifts. I strode out and into the desert, before planting a seed. It was filled to the brim with my Chakra and surprisingly enough it grew 30 feet within a few seconds, and filled with all kinds of fruit. Not gonna lie, I felt like Jesus for a sec. Then I froze time (Again) and wrote in my book for a massive enchanted paintbrush. What does it do you might say? Well when time unfroze I wished for it to paint water, and painted the ground. Suddenly, the part I painted turned into a flowing river. My body was on autopilot as the landscape turned into a jungle with many exotic species living together in harmony-

"Thank you God." Someone spoke.

I'm pretty sure I almost broke my neck, when I turned around. What I saw was a bunch of faunus bowing down. Some looked at me with wonder (the children) others with shock (the adults). "Your...welcome, I guess." I managed to stutter out before I pulled a shushin to escape. Yeah that didn't work.

"Over there! Look!" A cat faunus pointed to me in the tree. Everybody looked at my position. I tried to sink in but a couple of hummingbirds exposed my hiding spot by giving me an apple. It totally wasn't my ten tails. Nope, not at all.

-Flashback end by a chibi Ruby trying to catch a cookie-

Well I finally managed to escape from Mistral with a well placed NIGERUNDAYO. Yup, never going back. Fangirls ruined it for me. 10/10 otherwise. Anyways I wrote in my little book for portals. That will be useful. Seeya! 'Random ass handsigns' "Cliffhanger no jutsu!"

A/n: I have nothing to say...

Anyways, see you next time on A Chaotic Teenager in Remnant.

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