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Sorry y'all

Guess I lost interest in Appledash and kind of mlp G4. I've started G5 and it has gotten all my interest.

Or maybe it was just that I wasn't really happy with how this story was turning out.

Honestly, it was quite fun to write and read some comments, that's my point in life after all.

I've declared this story finished on Wattpad and I'm not sure when I'll do a fanfic next.

In case some of y'all did read, yes, I deleted the 6th chapter. It was kind of pointless and unnecessary considering I've just made them friends again and that they were never going to make up

And I also hated my storytelling. It might have been barely half a year, but looking back to old chapters just makes me want to rewrite the whole thing again –which I actually have started but stopped because of the lack of motivation.

I'm actually glad I didn't know English back when mlp was famous for once anyway. Not a lot people read my story, which means less people to leave hanging.

It was so nice to post my writing on here, and what I managed to achieve is more than enough for me for now.

And I realized I'm too independent for writing a long-shot story like this.

Anyway, guess that's it?

I have no idea why I keep talking and what I'm on.

I'll just finish this up before I get all dramatic

Thank you.
And this is Hazelfrmfshlv, signing off.

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