All goes right?

35 2 3

A month later...

"Hey Mia, it's Harold. Obviously." Harold said into the voice message he was leaving. "I was wonder if we could meet up or something. I kinda want to take you somewhere special, if you'll have me of course. Just get back to me soon please."

Harold hung up and sighed. He's been ignoring Mia for weeks until she just stopped trying. He feels guilty and wants to make it up to her by taking her to a place that only he knows about. Harold likes her, no doubt, yet he feels that something has changed in him. And let's just say, he isn't taking the cheating allegations well.

Yeah, him and Lashawna were talking at the time but it wasn't official. And if it isn't official is it considered cheating? Apparently to most of the world , yes.

Harold splashed his face with water and dried it before going back out to the mini gathering.

"What took so long in there?" Justin asked .

"Just made a call,"

"Okay. Well, everyone we have 30 minutes until the release," Justin said getting everyone's attention. "Enjoy the food, games and music."

The band decided that they get to bring three people each. Mar chose to bring James, Duncan and Mia but she bailed last minute. Trent chose to bring Geoff, DJ, and Alejandro. Cody brought Noah, Bridgette and Courtney. Justin invited Owen, Katie and Sadie.

In total their was supposed to be 16-1 since Mia bailed but somehow Duncan convinced Mar to bring Gwen.

"Hey Mar, can we talk for a second?" Harold asked interrupting her conversation with Bridgette and Courtney.

"Sure, be back in a few," Mar said and followed Harold to a corner in the room where no one was. "What's up?"

"Is Mia okay? She's not answering my calls,"

"Yeah, that's on purpose," Mar said. "You have been ignoring her for a month,"

"Yeah, because I've been working. I'm not as lucky as you to have my girlfriend in a band with me," Harold said getting defensive.

"Oh really? That's the reason. I work with you, you aren't that busy." Mar said making him roll his eyes. "Be honest with yourself for a second. Do you really like her or do you like the what she can give you? Because one second your hanging out with her and the next you act like you don't know her,"

"I just have a lot on my mind. I don't mean to. I really really care for her, swear but I," Harold said not knowing what else to say.

"You feel guilty." Mar said matter-a-factly. "You cheated on Shawna with Mia and you feel guilty. Like that wasn't the way to get her. Like you should have chose a better path, a smoother one."

"Yeah," Harold said huffing. "How'd you know?"

"I'm just like that," Mar said making him chuckle.

"I'm going to get out here. Have fun with the release,"

"You don't want to stay for the shit storm of Katie and Sadie?"

"Nope but take a video of it for me. And thank you," Harold said walking away.

"Babe," Trent said walking up to her and wrapping his arm around her waist. "Where's he going?"

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