Ch 26: Showtime!!

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Two young men were approaching down one of the park's pathways, a group of older men, all dressed in black, surrounding them as they walked, forming a barrier between them and a gaggle of girls following after the pair.

Keiko was the first to speak, dropping the bag of leftovers they had brought with them as she pointed to the taller of the two, a gorgeous golden haired male, with bright hazel eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. His skin was fair, not a single blemish other than a deep scar at the crook of his neck. He wore a fashionable black button down shirt, with skintight jeans, and cast them all a truly dazzling smile as she spoke.

"Th-th-that's, Kona Sume... You know Kona Sume?" She looked to Mako with pure awe and wonder, though the tomcat just grimaced in response.

"Yeah.... I know him..." He grumbled, lifting a hand in greeting to the man as he made his way towards the group.

Almost at once, one of the guards tried to step between them, but the blond growled low.

"Get in my way again and I'll replace you, got it? Make a space for me and my friends to talk. Focus on keeping the actual bloodsuckers away you damned flea!"

The man paled, but nodded before instructing the others, who formed a wide ring around them. It was about this time that a breeze cut through the clearing, carrying the scent of the two men with it, and Yumiko let out a whimper far too small for the usually cheery fox. Kurama, Suni, and Maru all caught the scent as well, and moved to form a shield between the girl and the two dog-demons in human form.

"Why are you here?" Kurama asked, his eyes cold as ice as he took in the two.

"Tch, leave it to a fox to be touchy! Why's everyone looking at us like we just stole their girl?? Come on Mako, is this really how you greet your old buddies?"

Mako growled deep in his throat before snapping, "CAN IT, YOU STUPID MUTT!!!" He turned to Yumi, giving her a gentle, if annoyed smile. "It's alright Yumi, they're friendly, I swear."

"Speak for yourself..." A very rageful female voice spoke, and as Mako turned towards Shizuru he damn near yelped from the wave of emotions roiling off the human girl's skin. She was glaring straight at Kona, who obliviously padded closer to them, hand raised to clasp Mako on the shoulder as he spotted her.

"Hmm? Hey... you look familiar, have we met before?"

That did it.


Shizuru let out a snarl that sent a shiver down the tomcat's spine as she clenched her fist, and slammed it into the arrogant dog's face. To everyone's shock, none more than Mako's, the punch lifted Kona straight off his feet, and he landed with a thump a few feet away.

Yusuke gulped, and turned to Kazuma as he pointed to his sister. "Damn!! Now I understand how you can take a hit so well dude!"

Kazuma felt sweat trickle down his neck as he grimaced at the sight. "You have... no idea..."

"SERIOUSLY??? YOU LEFT ME STRANDED 500 MILES FROM HOME, AND YOU ASK IF WE'VE MET BEFORE???" The strawberry blonde was furious as she screeched at the pop idol, completely oblivious to how nearly everyone, Yumiko included had taken a step back at that punch. Mako likely would have as well, had his back not already been pressed against the tree, though he made a valiant effort to shrink into it's bark as she raged in front of him.

"Oh, Kona... did you really just leave her there??" A gentle, quiet voice spoke as the other male, younger and a full head and a half shorter than the first, approached, and handed the golden-haired dog in human form a handkerchief to wipe away the blood at his jaw. He stood then, and turned his gaze towards Shizuru, who gasped at the sight.

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