Ch 16: Valentine's Day

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That night had been amazing! Mako had made western style spaghetti, and the girls had devoured it ravenously, Kaoru stating over and over how incredible of a cook he was every few bites! They had spent the rest of the evening trying on every article of clothing they had purchased, and munching on the snacks Mako supplied. Around 10pm, they finally fell into Yumiko's queen sized bed, still giggling and chatting away until sleep finally overtook them.

Mako had checked in on them once more around 11:30, then settled down into his favorite chair on the balcony. The city truly looked stunning tonight, and he couldn't stop grinning as he let out a contented sigh. They had a home, in a city where they didn't have to watch their backs.

Yumiko had made friends, genuine friends! She was having her first sleepover, and his little den he shared with the girl had been so full of laughter and warmth that he couldn't ever remember being this happy back in the demon world! He had to bite his tongue hard so not to burst into laughter at the sight of the matching pj's the girls had bought; pink with blue kittens for Yumi, and blue with pink kittens for Kaoru. It had certainly been a sight to see, especially when they brought out the matching kitten slippers; all gifts of Kurama's unwitting generosity! He had programmed the girl's phone with his, Genkai's, Shuichi's, and Maru's numbers, then smirked deviously as he opened his own messages with Shuichi.

Mako: You should check your account, old friend... [photo]
(Image he sent in the text)

(Concept Image made with DALL-E on bing)

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(Concept Image made with DALL-E on bing)

It didn't take long for the reply to hit, and Mako clamped a hand over his mouth so his snorts of laughter didn't wake the girls.

Shuichi: What have I done???



Yoko's voice howled in Shuichi's brain as he pressed fingertips to his temples, trying to stave off the headache that was quickly growing. He had pulled up his account information immediately after receiving the text from Mako, and had paled at the sight.

Somehow, those girls... those two seemingly so innocent girls, had spent over 463,000 yen in a single evening!!! He felt sick to his stomach looking over the amounts, 13,000 in one shop, 123,000 in a boutique within the mall, 53,000 in another... the numbers kept adding up as Yoko's rage built within his mind.

In truth, it was still a mere fraction of what the fox demon had amassed in his years, but still!! To have so much of his fortune disappear overnight had him in awe of the boy's idiocy.

'You allowed an untrained pet to go into town on a shopping spree alone. You set no clear boundary, even when she asked you for one, and now you're somehow shocked that she and that human girl spent so much?? Honestly boy, did you let her take your senses with her as well?'

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