When they see your s/h scars (unfinished)

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Like the previous chapter if any of you struggle with this or have struggled with it in the past, just know that there are people who love you and care about you wether you think they do or not. For example me. I don't really know you but I love you anyways and I care about all of you. If any of you s/h currently, I urge you to try and find a less harmful way to take out your frustration. Firstly, it can lead to infection if not taken care of and worse. If you do it because your just a masochist and not depressed at all you just like pain, I'd recommend not taking it too far. A light cut is fine but nothing that will last a long time. I get it, hurting yourself because you like it but just make sure you do it safely as weird as that sounds.

If you've done so in the past but have been clean for a while, I just want to sat how proud I am of you. It shows that you are very strong and I honestly admire you for being able to overcome that. You are so amazing and incredible and strong and I'm so proud of you for taking the first step towards overcoming depression or whatever else.

I will finish this chapter sometime later but I wanted to publish this so that way I can get this message out to you guys. I'm really tired right now though because I woke up at like 2 in the morning and didn't go back to sleep so I'm gonna take a nap and may finish this afterwards or sometime tomorrow.

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