This Fuzzy Feeling

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Smutty Smut chapter


Gon hummed softly while entering his room, a towel pressing against his hair as he dried it off. He had just gotten out of the shower, enjoying the peacefulness of the early morning.

Until he heard the sound of his window opening.

Gon turned around and watched as someone crawled into his window, soft huffs exiting their lips when they plopped onto Gon's bed.

"Uh.. Hey Killua!" Gon greeted with a smile, startling the younger male. "Why did you climb in through my window?" He asked with a confused smile.

Killua shrugged as he sat up, shifting in Gon's bed as he tried to get comfortable.

"I dunno.. It's just fun to climb through windows sometimes."

Gon couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at Killua's response. He tugged on a grey shirt over his muscular frame before he approached Killua.

"Hm.. I bet that Killua just missed me, huh? And he's just too embarrassed to admit it~," Gon teasing with a small smirk on his face.

Killua looked away before letting out a soft scoff, his face turning pink. "Tch, yeah right.." he muttered.

Gon chuckled softly and took a seat next to Killua, an amused expression plastered on his face. "Awhh, is Killua blushing? How cute!"

Killua narrowed his eyes at Gon and glared. "Shut up, idiot," he grumbled under his breath before looking away, trying to hide the blush on his face.

"Hehe," Gon giggled softly as he watched Killua grow defensive. He decided to take it down a notch on the teasing, though he scooted closer to Killua.

"Soo, why did you come over today?" Gon asked with a warm smile. Killua seemed to have immediately stiffened at Gon's closeness.

He took a deep breath while trying to reply to Gon's question. "Uh.."

Gon noticed Killua's tension and smirked. "Why'd your breath hitch up, hm? Am I too close~?" Gon hummed teasingly, finding Killua's reactions incredibly amusing.

Killua glared at Gon yet again, hating how much Gon's teasing affected him. It was making it hard for him to even think.

"Just- shut up! I didn't come over for you to tease me!" He stammered in reply.

A fake frown grew on Gon's lips. "Awh, but teasing Killua is fun!" He pouted, crossing his arms like a child.

Killua sighed, trying to ignore Gon's pouting. It was hard not to find it cute..

"Anyways~," Gon hummed, pausing from the teasing. "Why did you come?" He asked again, curiosity in his voice.

Killua looked away before replying. "I dunno.. I just came to check up on you, I guess. I thought you'd be lonely without me around."

A large smile grew on Gon's face at Killua's words.

"Awhh, so you were worried? You're so cute, Killua!" Gon hummed happily as he pulled Killua into a hug, nuzzling his face against Killua's neck happily.

Killua's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected hug, his cheeks flushing bright red. He wasn't sure what to say or do, but he couldn't bring himself to push Gon away.

"Now that I think about it.. It is pretty lonely without you. I'm glad you came over!" Gon said happily as he pulled away from the hug.

Killua stayed silent as Gon pulled away, too embarrassed to say anything.

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