I Really Want a Hug lmao

657 21 17

comfort fluff I think

I dont even know what this crap is tbh its honestly ass.


Killua took in a deep shaky breath as he paused at Gon's bedroom door. He hesitated for a long time before gently pressing his knuckles against the door, knocking softly before taking a step back. I should've just stayed in my room.. Killua thought as he already started to feel regret course through his thoughts.

The door opened in just a few seconds, Gon peaking out slightly and glancing at Killua with an expression of concern.

"I'm sorry if I woke you.." Killua muttered as he gripped onto his wrist. Killua couldn't help but anxiously pinch at his skin.

Gon paused before answering. "No- it's alright Killua, I promise. I was still awake. Is everything alright??" He asked almost immediately, clearly worried. Killua cleared his throat before nodding. "I uh- yeah. I just..couldn't sleep."

Gon nodded in response before taking a step back, holding the bedroom door open and extending an arm, gesturing for Killua to enter the room. "C'mon, I know what this is. You can sleep with me tonight if you want," Gon said with a soft smile, gently reaching out for Killua's hand and stopping him from pinching himself.

Killua paused hesitantly, though he slowly entered the room. "Are you sure?- I don't wanna bother you.." Killua muttered softly as he kept his gaze low. Gon gently wrapped an arm around Killua's waist. "Hey, it's okay. I don't mind in the slightest," Gon whispered reassuringly.

He smiled softly at the younger before closing his bedroom door, soon leading Killua to his bed and lifting the blankets for him.

Killua wasn't really sure this was a good idea.. he was really regretting even leaving his room at this point. Though he knew he couldn't just walk away without raising suspicion, so Killua decided to sit on the bed and scoot over a bit.

Gon noticed that Killua seemed to be a bit more tense than usual, his concern growing by the second. However, he decided not to mention it, knowing Killua would simply deny everything and claim he was fine.

So Gon simply joined Killua in bed, settling down before wrapping his arms around the male.

The warmth of Gon's embrace made Killua feel comfortable. Gon pulled Killua close, smiling softly at him. Killua immediately hid his face against Gon's chest, clutching onto his shirt and hugging him tightly.

Gon found Killua's sudden return in affection a bit worrying, considering the boy was always pretty self reserved. Nonetheless he continued to hold Killua close, gently running a hand up and down Killua's back in a comforting motion.

It was when he felt a sudden warmth soak into his shirt that he paused immediately. "Killua..?" Gon said softly, looking down at him as a frown formed on his face.

Killua's grip only tightened against Gon's shirt as he sniffled, biting harshly against his bottom lip to restrain himself from letting out any sounds.

Gon adjusted a bit before pulling the crying boy closer. "Hey, what's wrong?" Gon asked softly as he soon resumed the gentle strokes up and down Killua's back.

Killua immediately shook his head as he sniffled oncemore. "It- it's nothing.." he muttered with a slight voice crack, a soft cry slipping from his lips. Gon paused before pulling Killua on top of him and holding him closer. "I don't think you'd be crying over nothing Killu."

Gon was incredibly worried, unsure of what could've been causing this sudden swarm of emotions Killua was experiencing.

"I'm not crying," Killua muttered, hiding his face against Gon's chest and continuing to hold tight fistfuls of Gon's shirt. Gon sighed softly, but he decided not to push the boy.

Once again, Gon started to rub his hand gently against Killua's back, continuing to comfort him as he let it all out. Gon was still completely confused of what was going through Killua's mind, but he didn't question it. Killua needed the comfort, so that's what Gon gave him.

Killua couldn't help but let out another cry, overwhelmed by so many emotions he had been keeping bottled up for so long. He absolutely hated showing his vulnerability, and to think he was sobbing in Gon's arms. He felt weak. Disgusted. Invalid.

Ever since Killua had left his shitty household and moved in with Gon, his life had felt perfect. So why was he crying every other night? It made no sense, and it irritated Killua. The fact that he found himself feeling these emotions despite being perfectly fine.

Though despite the fact Killua had broken into tears with no explanation, Gon continued to hold the male close and comfort him as much as he could.

The warmth was so comforting, slowly soothing Killua and calming him down a bit. His body still trembled a bit due to how hard he had been sobbing.

Killua nuzzled into Gon, scooting closer and wrapping his arms around him.

Gon felt Killua eventually go limp in his arms as he passed out completely. Gon gently lifted his arm before cupping Killua's face, wiping away the tears from his sleeping face.

He pressed a soft kiss against Killua's forehead and smiled softly, wrapping his arm back around Killua's waist before closing his eyes.

Word Count~ 884

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