Chapter 5: Growing Feelings

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"Ha ha ha ha! God, you're so dumb. How have you already used up all your points?"

Yamauchi's mocking laughter filled the air as he taunted Ike for his lack of remaining points.

"Please can you just give me a thousand? That's all I need. We'll be getting a hundred thousand soon, so it really doesn't matter right? I really don't want to have to eat the vegetable combo." 

As the sound of their exchange subsided, lunchtime finally arrived. In the midst of it, I glanced over at my seat neighbor only to find her looking my way with a serious expression adorned across her beautiful face.

"I trust you haven't forgotten what we talked about yesterday."

She really has no faith in me, does she...

"Relax, I haven't forgotten. In fact, I've already made plans to discuss it with them during lunch."

Just as I finished speaking, Hirata appeared at my desk, followed by Chiaki, Kei, Maya, and Kushida.

"Hey Ayanokoji, you ready?"

Greeting me with a warm smile Hirata unintentionally showcased the charm that made him so popular. Nodding I stood up from my seat to join them. I had thought of asking Horikita if she wanted to join us but ultimately decided against it as it would just be a waste of time.

"Ayanokoji initiating a group meetup. I'm almost suspicious."

Coming up to me following her comment Chiaki started inspecting me almost as if she was trying to find if something was wrong.

Hearing both Hirata and Chiaki's comments, Horikita, satisfied, suddenly stood up and left to have lunch herself.

I guess she was only still here to confirm that I was the one to organize such a meeting. Once she got the confirmation she was looking for she immediately left.

"Geez, what's her problem?" Watching Horikita's abrupt exit Kei had an unpleasant look on her face no doubt taking it as an insult that the moment they showed up she immediately left. "It wouldn't kill her to be a little more sociable would it? Honestly, she gets on my nerves."

"Come now there's no need for that. I'm sure Horikita doesn't mean anything hurtful by it."

I'd like to agree with Hirata but I'm not too sure...

Moving on from Horikita, the rest of us headed to the cafeteria. As we walked I couldn't help but observe Kushida. This is going to be the first time I interact with her since last night. She said she would be able to revert back to her old self but her demeanor since the start of today has been less than ideal. Normally Kushida would be the first to speak in a group however she has yet to say anything. Her being so quiet is worrisome.

"So, Kiyotaka what did you want to talk about? You never answered me earlier. You initializing a conversation is unusual. I'm curious."

Coming up beside me as we walked was Chiaki and I can understand her confusion. Up until this point, I've mostly just gone with the flow and reacted to the people around me. Me taking the initiative must seem out of character.

"It's actually regarding Horikita, sort of."

"Horikita? This should be good."

With the topic returning to Horikita Kei gave a groan.

I hadn't thought about it till now but Kei really doesn't like Horikita does she? It wasn't entirely surprising though as generally their two personality types don't mesh well together. 

"I suppose it would be more accurate to say it's regarding Horikita and the class. She—"

However, before I could continue, Kushida suddenly approached from behind, swiftly taking hold of my left arm.

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