Chapter 4: Identity Crisis

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"Kikyou-chan, do you want to stop by a café on our way back today?"

"Sure, let's go! Oh, but wait just a minute, okay? I want to invite one more person."

Kushida headed toward Horikita, who was putting her textbook into her bag. "Horikita-san, would you like to come with us to a café today?" She asked.

"Not interested." Horikita threw Kushida's invitation back in her face. Despite the expected rejection, Kushida kept smiling.

This wasn't a particularly unusual scene. Despite only being met with constant rejection and Horikita already telling her to stop inviting her Kushida has still regularly been trying to invite Horikita to do fun things with her.

"I understand. Well then, I'll try inviting you again another time."

Kushida then ran back to rejoin her friends, and they left the hall.

"Kikyou-chan, just stop inviting her. I hate her---"

Just before the door closed, I faintly heard one of the other girl's words. Horikita, who was right next to me, must have heard as well, but she gave no indication that she cared.

"You won't try to invite me places, will you?" she asked.

"Nope. I understand your personality well enough. It's pointless to even try."

"I'm relieved to hear that."

"Kushida sure is persistent with inviting you out huh? Do you two have some sort of history between you?"

Not expecting me to continue the conversation Horikita showed a surprised almost annoyed expression before finally answering my question.

"Not really."

With such a noncommittal answer followed by a shrug, Horikita left the classroom leaving no room for any possible response.

Well, that wasn't a no. My earlier hypothesis of her and Kushida going to the same previous school is looking more and more likely.

With barely anyone left in the classroom, I too found it time to finally leave.

"Ayanokoji, do you have a moment?"

Matsushita, who was still unusually hanging around after class, called out to me when I passed by. Unbothered, I responded to her curious as to why she seemed to wait for me.

"What's up"

My greeting was meet with a smile.

"I've decided that today I'll start helping you to become better socially. I said during swim class that I would help you if any problems arose and what better way to solve a problem than to fix it before it can even become one."

What? This certainly wasn't what I was expecting during that conversation.

"Me, Sato, and Karuiziawa were about to go shopping at Keyaki Mall so this is the perfect time to upgrade your wardrobe. The way you present yourself is crucial to excelling socially and no offense, but I picture your wardrobe at the moment being extremely plain."

I can't exactly argue with that statement.

"Do I get a say in any of this?"

"Why do you already have plans."

"Well no. But---"

"Perfect then let's go."

Taking me by the wrist Matsushita dragged me to where Sato and Karuizawa were waiting before we all headed to the mall. It seems that Sato and Karuizawa were also in on this idea.

Classroom of the Elite: PsychologyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat