Battle royale

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After 2 days of being here im already thrown in some weird annual pit fight that apparently the school does every year. Something along the lines of handling all problems an just letting our beast run wild .

Some peaceful school this is

Rolling my eyes i turn back to the sparing match in front of me. To any average person it would look all like a big blur, as I look around I see everyone fixated on the fight both werewolves and vampires are keeping track of every motion like they were under hypnosis or something. But it was hypnotizing, im not gonna lie watching fight after fight as everyone pushes their limit training sparing .
Oh, apparently that big caged dome in the gym is to host fights without destroying the building.
Ear piercing howls of joy echo off the walls causing me to flinch a little turning to the dome i see a grey wolf prancing around in joy with its snot in the air , while the knocked out vampire was carried out on a stretcher and giving a blood bag.

the smell of wet dogs start to burn my nose after an hour of sparing next thing i know my name is called. Of course this is all voluntary and if anyone needs to let off steam its me.
Making my way to the dome my opponent is a dark haired werewolf girl dressed in a stylish black n brown two piece workout outfit and stood at about 5'5 with green eyes.
She slides off her heels while handing them to one of the teachers at the entrance. She was very naturally beautiful but fierce looking too. She's already glaring at me while i swiftly make my way to the other side of the doom, i beginning to shift on both my feet uncomfortably trying to avoid eye contact at daggers she throwing at my soul .

The hell is this chicks problem shes looking at me like im her next meal.

The referee begins talking breaking the girls icy glares as she focuses on him.

" okay ladies no fatal blows and no weapons including CLAWS Brooke" he explained mainly focusing on the other girl and giving her a pointed look before turning to me .

" good luck kid" he says while passing by tapping my shoulder.

Wow, very reassuring not very helpful at all

gulping nervously, slowly second guessing myself cause clearly this bitch is unhinged. I close my eyes trying to calm my racing negative thoughts and heart, my eyes fly open with the blow of a whistle just in time to see this psycho climbing the cage walls like the damn exorcist stalking me like prey. Her main strategy must be high advantage and intimidation to throw me off my concentration quickly seeing through this i push down the uneasy feeling in my stomach.
Running quicker then lightning itself i catching her by surprise grabbing her by the shoulder and bringing her back down towards the ground with me on top leaving a dent in the floor beneath us. I feel the wind get knocked out of both of us, but more her naturally. Getting up, i was quickly dragged back down by my ankles as i face plant the steel floor. Before i can process anything i was on my back, Brooke looked at me with so much rage and all but spat

" you bitch!" As she tightened he grip on my throat .

She brings back her other hand extending her claws. I stared wide eyed as i begin to see stars do to the lack of oxygen flowing to my brain. Before she can even bring her claws down she was quickly wrestled away. Coughing and desperately Gasping for air i just realized that bitch was gonna mutilate me. The refe clears his throat as an encore of boo's filled the room.

"As result of ms. Brooke extending her claws she is disqualified and ms. Madison wins by default"

Murmurs erupt as well as a couple slow clappes from the teachers . Yea, our fight lasted no more then 3 minutes so humiliating, what a way to win. Brooke shakes of the teachers and storm out the dome but not before shooting dagger my way. After the last 2 match matches. We all head to the cafeteria to eat i indulge in fries as i internally groan pleasurably, in result earns me strange looks from vampires.
I known it's mostly because im eating human food and actually enjoying it, what can i say im a slut for burgers an fries. Next thing i know everyone is scattering away from the table like they saw the devil.

Is lunch over ?

I think to myself as i look around to see everyone is still seated. Until my eyes locked with HER raged filled ones as she storms my way. I quickly rise to throw my tray away just for it to be shoved in my chest.

"Oops" Brooke exclaims while smearing the half eat burger in my chest some more.

My nostrils flare as i try to control my anger, i clench my teeth .

" wow i heard of sore losers but you are a different type of butt hurt i see" i grew up in a house of boys and i was always tested everyday this is nothing new.

She huffs and crosses her arm over her chest " i would hardly call it a win since it was by default "

I take a couple steps closer to her
" its Apparent you felt threatened seeing as you couldn't fight fair an square"

A crowd i didnt realize before formed a circle around us. Not willing to give these nosey hormonal teenager anymore entertainment i gave broke on last look and stormed out the cafeteria to my room to rest up for the battle royal.

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