You Are No More Human Than Me

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Chapter 7- You’re No More Human Than Me

“Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nora pushed open her bedroom door as Lord Ardan walked past her. Poppy flew over to her, looking concerned. “What did he say?”

“Something about repayment ... and what I wanted most,” Nora said, still lost in thought about the conversation.

“For saving Nia’s life?”

“More like for saving his ... I told him I wanted to know why the Queen is offering me Sanctuary.”

“What?” shrieked Poppy. “Questioning the Queen is what got Nia in that position in the first place. You don’t want to end up like that.”

“I’m not questioning the Queen. I’m just trying to understand.” Nora walked behind the changing room divider and started taking off her gown. She didn’t want to listen to Poppy’s protests, all she wanted was answers.

“And he’s going to find a way to answer your question ... Isn’t he?” Poppy said, her voice growing more worried.

“He’s taking me to meet someone tonight who knows why the Queen is interested in protecting me. Hey, Pops, pass me my jeans and t-shirt.”

Poppy fluttered up over the divider and threw Nora’s clothes on top of her head.

“Hey! Why did you do that?” Nora asked, gathering her things.

“Trying to knock some sense into you! You can’t go sneaking out with Lord Ardan outside the Court walls. Are you insane?”

Nora finished dressing and stepped out from the divider. “Maybe. I don’t know. I want answers. You aren’t going to tell on me are you?”

“If I say yes, will you still go?”

“Yes,” Nora said, sitting down on the bed.

“I won’t tell anyone you are leaving because I’m going with you. I’m in trouble if you leave, but I’m in more trouble if I let you go alone. But this is all your fault if we get caught. Got it?”

“Yeah. I’ll take the blame. Not like I have anything to lose...”

“You have everything to lose. The Unseely court wants you dead! What’s it going to take for you to get that? You are risking everything by leaving.”

“I get it, okay? I just think the Queen is hiding something and I want to know what it is...”

The color drained from Poppy’s face as she sat down on the bed. “You know you are putting my life and Lord Ardan’s in danger by leaving tonight, right?”

“Listen, this was his idea in the first place ... And you don’t have to come with, Pops.”

“Yes, I do! He’s taking you to see a dangerous Fae. I swore to the Queen I would accompany you and I’ll be keeping that oath.”

“You know who we’re seeing?”

“The Woman In The Woods...” Poppy said softly. “She’s a banshee. No one knows her name and only those closest to the Queen knows where she resides. The information she holds is powerful, Nora. The type of thing that weighs heavy on a person. Once you know what she tells you, it stays with you forever. The knowledge haunts you until you reconcile with the truth she speaks.”

Poppy was gazing down at the floor with wide eyes. “You sure you want to see her?”

Nora nodded her head, feeling like she was about to get into something that was beyond her understanding but feeling compelled to do so anyway.

The Queen's Riddle: A Faery StoryWhere stories live. Discover now