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Sora POV

Hearing him tell me he started to trust me from that long really took a toll on my wall around my heart. I remember what I used to tell myself when I first met him

'falling in love with Chishiya was nothing but a death trap I had a choice to enter or not'

I think I'm falling, I realize this now as he goes on and on about a patient he was treating who had multiple balls stuck in her virgin for whatever reason her and her partner thought it was a good idea or was he going on about the man who had his leg suck in a bicycle wheel or the kid who cried for a straight hour because they took his favorite dinosaur bandage off. Whatever it was, watching Chishiya speak so passionately and freely about his past life and himself felt like fresh air, like I could breathe again He pauses his story and lifts a brow at me

"Are you even listening to me?"

"You look admirable when you go on about something you found funny or you're passionate about. In this case, both" red rises onto his ears as he scoffs. A rare sight.

"That doesn't really answer my question"

"And so the boy explained to you how he smashed his own foot at an amusement park. Yes I was listening" he doesn't say anything but the expression he pulls is one that I will forever keep in my memory. His pupils expand and his breathing stops for a second as his always tense shoulder are relaxed and his mouth near opening. The look of someone coming to adoration, that admirable look of feelings was for me.

"Huh so you were listening...As I was saying-
His voice goes on as I enjoy the rest of the afternoon listening to him.


Chishiya POV

It was dark out when I came to the rooftop for a breather. I hadn't seen signs of Theo or Mina yet either. I'd never tell Sora I was secretly looking for them because well I knew how much she loved them and how hard it must have been to let them go, but it would cause her to suspect something of me if i did tell her.

It was cloudy out when a cold breeze went through me making my skin hitch.

"Here" her honey dipped voice and familiar scent invade my nose and mind.

"Thanks" She'd made me hot chocolate this time from her usual rose tea she makes me that has become my routine, since the day she gave it to me, I'd never really wanted anything else but it. She'd told me once she thought I looked like a macha or rose tea type man based on my calm, down to earth exterior but now, now she sees I can worry and have fears and regrets as well. I am still human, not a robot after all. Who now appreciates her fair exchange of tea for company.

She sits next to me on the ledge, close enough our knees touch and I feel the warmth of her body radiate to mine, she pulls a blanket over our backs as a small gesture of comfort and warmth. We stare out in a silence of acknowledgement for the other's presence. She seems completely lose for thought, staring absent-mindedly out at the sky.

"A penny for your thoughts?" She doesn't answer for a while and I wonder if she'd heard me or not but she eventually speaks up.

"As a kid. I'd already loved the stars, how they've been there for years before us and how they'll live to see more. They light up the sky as allies to the moon. Which lights and brightens the most at night. When I look at the moon and stars I see myself. Sitting next to many other stars to watch over newcoming stars"

"So you believe after we die we become stars?" I enjoy picking at her brain and getting to see the inside of the way she goes about life sinces we go about it the same with different views. Or in this case, death. (Spolier pun intended)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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