Chapter 1: Him.

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As far as my memories go back, I had always known him. He who welcomed me to town in a strange place. He who helped me make friends. He who treated me kindly.

He whom I shunned.

It started with my mothers hatred for the city. Then it grew to be dads hatred, and eventually, I had been forced to leave my humble abode. The only abode I had known. All of my friends, all of the memories, For nothing. Just to move over a day away, to a town in Ohio.

I have never been fond of Ohio, nor had I ever claimed to be. All I knew, is it wasn't home.
My father, however, was ecstatic. Practically frolicking all the way there. So happy to move into a small, barely 2 bedroom apartment.

The apartment was definitely different from what I was used to at the time. Seeing as I moved from a decent sized house, to a small house, Wedged next to my neighbors.

I hated it, with a burning passion. The day we moved all of our things, was the day I begged to go back. I begged for so long that dads short temper couldn't hold back. To avoid violence, he placed me on our new patio, and simply told me, " Shut the fuck up! " before slamming the door in my face.

As I sat out there, I cried, and cried, till I felt a slight Tap on my shoulder. He was short, and a little stubby, with forest green eyes that could Pierce a hole through me. But the most noticeable feature, Were his curled brunette locks.

At the time, I don't think I had ever met someone with such shiny hair. Those curls that held too many words for vocalizing. I will never forget the small green clip in his hair, It was the shape of a star, and looked small enough to fit a doll. Yet It stood out.

" Are you ok? "

The 3 words I will never forget. " Uh hello? " he said slightly impatiently. I looked up, and admired. Ignoring his concern entirely. " Hey! Staring is rude you know! " he said so sure of himself, it was funny.
So I laughed. I laughed threw the tears streaming down my cheeks.

" What's so funny! " his slight lisp made it all the more hilarious. I continued to giggle, letting out small incoherent apologies threw the laughter. " Your mean! " he shouted, as he ran off. I blew it. Not surprising. But his confidence was so adorable, that it was funny. His lisp made the whole thing all the more enjoyable.

That's when it hit me. If he ran off, he'd never talk to me again. I would never see those forest eyes, or those locks of curled hair again.

Realizing my mistake, I rushed to find him. " Hey! I'm sorry! " I Yelled, running in the direction he came from. " I'm sorry! " I yelled a again quickening my pace.

In the mist of my run I didn't care to notice 3 girls in red lawn chairs. As soon as I did, I stopped in my tracks. " Excuse me! Did you see a brown haired boy run by? "

A girl with red hair looked at me, and then spoke. " Oh, You mean Weston? He's inside, if your looking for him. " she then pointed at the door with a slight smile. " if your Weston's friend, your welcome in. " the red head spoke.

I hesitated before saying " Ok! Thank you! ". I rushed past the 3 and threw open the sliding glass doors. I ran to the end of the hall, when I saw a door with bright green letters on it. " W E S T O N " it read. I knocked, before slightly cracking the door, to reveal every little boys dream room. The walls were covered in dinosaurs, and Pokémon posters. The bed wasn't made, but that didn't cover up the sonic bedspread, with matching throw pillows. A desk, with every color of marker, and crayon any kid could need, and of course, the main attraction, the TV.

I peered in Even more, at this point, my head was popping threw the door. As quiet as my feet would let me, I stepped in, and shut the door behind me. It was clear that by now, I had been noticed. " why are you here! To laugh at me some more? " the small boy said.

" No, I promise, I'm not. " I said as calmly as I could. " I'm just here to say sorry. I shouldn't have laughed at you. I just found your confidence a little funny. " I said with a slight chuckle.

" So you were laughing at me. " he said trying his hardest to make a pouting face.

" Well, sorta.. " I said a little weary, eyes still stained with tears.

" then leave! If your just here to laugh at me, Leave! " he cried. 

" Im sorry! Your confidence is just really funny! " I said, knowing full well I had just ended any chance I had at making up.

He got up, opened his door pushed me in front of it, and screamed " GO AWAY! " before slamming it in my face. I felt as if I was about to cry again. So I ran out. Right by where the group of girls hung out.

I swung open the glass door and ran out crying, and regretfully, not looking where I ran. I knew something happened when I crashed straight into something, and fell backwards.

I rubbed my head, and looked up to see a girl with French braids reaching to help me up. " You alright? " she said, a slight concern in her voice.

" yeah. I'm fine " I said with sniffles. I was clearly not fine, and she knew that. All 3 of them knew that.

" Here dude, take my chair, I'll grab a bandaid. " she said. I looked down confused, until I noticed my knee was bleeding. " Hey, Liz! Where do you keep them again? " she shouted from the small kitchen.

" Next to the cabinet with the cups! " the red hair girl shouted back.

I just sat in the law chair, tears still beginning to fall out of my eyes. The girl with French braids walked out of the kitchen area, and over to me with a bandaid, and Neosporin. She applied the gel, then carefully put the bandaid over my scrape. " thank you.. " I said lowly.

" no problem " she said with a slight flick of confidence.

" so, why were you in such a hurry anyway? " The Girl with extremely long hair said.

" I don't know.. " I said shakily.

" don't force the poor kid M. " the girl with French braids sighed.

" I'm not forcing anyone! I just asked! " the girl with long hair shouted back.

" I never said you were! I just said don't! " French braids girl shouted to long hair girl.

" why don't you guys just let him speak? " The Girl with red hair said calmly.

" Oh shut up Liz! " the 2 said simultaneously. As if on a cue, The brunette walked out the sliding doors with a frown. He walked over, and sat in the dirt by the chairs.

He eyed me, as if he was trying to read me. " What did you do to this poor kid Wes? " the red head spoke.

" I didn't do nothing! He laughed at me for no reason! Then came back just to do it again! " he screamed, as if he were talking to a group of 80 year olds who could barely hear.

" I said I'm sorry! " I yelled desperate for his forgiveness, though I knew full well I hadn't earned it.

" Why should I forgive you! You came back just to laugh some more! " he shouted yet again.

" I'm sorry! I really am! " I shouted back. I barely knew this kid, and yet I was already begging him for forgiveness, as if in court on trial.

" Do you promise not to laugh at me again? " he said, curiosity in his voice.

" I promise! I'm sorry! " I shouted, tears falling quicker with every spoken letter.

He paused, then said " I forgive you. " as if I wasn't balling my eyes out.

" Thank you! " I got up from French braided girls chair, and ran to him. I embraced him in a tight hug with a teary smile. I barely knew him, and yet, I knew what I wanted with him.

*Authors Note*
POV: Finley
Brunette boy: Weston
Red headed girl: Elizabeth ( eliza, or Liz)
French braided girl: Rae
Long hair girl: Mary ( M )

WC:1429 ( I know not that much sorry )

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