You're Gonna Need A New Toothbrush

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(A/N: my dog passed away between chapters which obviously made this a bit harder to work on. he was a good boy. <3

thanks for waiting, y'all. and thanks for all the support on the previous chapters.)




SMG3 desperately slammed on the side of the RV.


The view inside showed it completely trashed, with broken plates and garbage strewn everywhere. The outside didn't look much better, with the door and walls covered in claw marks. 

Three couldn't even fake being calm — he was freaked. Thousands of different explanations rushed through his mind all at once.

Was he overreacting? Well, maybe at first, but now after seeing the state the RV was in? Something bad just happened, and he needed to catch it as soon as possible. (Four just started to get everything back. He couldn't lose it so quickly after. That would be too cruel.)

Silence. There had been no response from the inside. (Familiar.)
That's enough.

Three gripped the door and pulled and pulled till he managed to get past the (admittedly already very damaged) lock. He clenched his fists to hide his shaky hands, before entering the RV.

"Four! Get the fuck out here, now!" He pointed towards the floor. The sternness in his voice didn't hide the wavering.

Walking past, he nervously eyed the destroyed plates, making a mental note to help clean up when he had the chance. (SMG4 already had a messed up leg. Knowing him, he'd slice his hands on these too even with gloves on.)

The bed at the end of the vehicle had something in it. It was hiding underneath a large blanket, shivering.

(Three's gut was telling him to get out of there. There was something dangerous underneath that blanket.)

Three shook his head. No. No hiding. Not this time. He swallowed, before slowly approaching the bed.


The lump stopped moving. Three couldn't take his eyes off of it. He reached a hand out slowly to uncover the blanket...

only for Four's head to poke out from under the covers

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...only for Four's head to poke out from under the covers.

Three sighed in relief. "Dude, you scared the shit out of me. What the hell happened to the RV?"

Four glanced at Three. He looked so... distant. He sat up, legs dangling off of the bed and the blanket wrapped around his body.


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