Chapter 8

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They didn't meet for the next few days until Rebecca had another event but that didn't stop her from communicating with Freen. Even though Rebecca had several days off, Freen was still working at the office taking care of paperwork and scheduling but she would make time in between work to chat with Rebecca, which was new for her since Freen has never encountered someone who actively wanted to chat with her besides work. Sometimes at the office you would hear a soft buzz coming from Freen's phone, at which Freen would look at her phone and the corner of Freen's mouth would tilt upwards for a brief moment. The fact that Freen could smile shocked many of her coworkers as they had never seen a different side of Freen other than her unwavering emotionless face. Freen has always been attractive but with that small smile, her beauty glowed even more.

While Rebecca and Freen were in their own world, things were happening in the social media space where a fan of Rebecca had posted a video of Rebecca holding Freen's hand while getting off stage which led to another posting a video of Freen carrying Rebecca on her back and tenderly caring for her feet, and then another had posted Freen looking at Rebecca and only at Rebecca while she was on stage. Each fan seem to want to out do the other by posting the latest thing of Rebecca and her new manager. People were noticing the special attention they had for one another and somehow the videos had gotten Saint's attention.

Saint's thoughts: Is that Freen? Wow. This is it, this is exactly what I need, what I am looking for. I have always thought Freen is a beautiful woman but I didn't know she had that soft side in her. I need her. I want her.

The videos were slowly going viral and it was much more effective at restoring Rebecca's fame than any of the strategies that Saint had suggested or in place. The next job that Rebecca had scheduled was filming for a reality show called 'Cooking Beauties', where Rebecca would be cooking a dish on the spot against two other female celebrities and then the dishes would be critiqued by a panel of male actors. The show has two parts where the female contestant would copy a restaurant dish after tasting it, and the second part would be a dish of their choosing but it must consist of some type of fresh seafood that the contestant would need to process by themselves. The show allows each female contestant to invite a guest to be their cooking assistant and of course Rebecca chose Freen to be her assistant for the show. It took Rebecca almost a day and a half to cajole Freen to be her assistant for the show. Freen never liked being in the spotlight but she had an even harder time saying no to Rebecca. Rebecca is Freen's weakspot.


"P'Freen, what do you think I will be cooking for the first dish? I'm not much of a cook and not very experienced with Thai dishes." Rebecca was trying to distract Freen from tapping her foot due to her nervousness of being in front of the camera.

"Hm? Thai dishes are simple, just make it flavourful and colourful." Freen advised.

"P'Freen, if you're not comfortable, I can ask someone else to be my assistant." Rebecca touched Freen's arm gently to get her to focus on her rather than staring at the numerous cameras that are having a final check before the filming started.

"No. I said I would do it. I keep my word."

"P'Freen, thank you for doing this for me, I really appreciate it. If you're having stage fright, focus on me because I will definitely need all the help I can get when it comes to cooking."

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