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I didn't really proofread this, it's extremely late at night, idk, have a good time ok

Tennis Ball knew Golf Ball was stressed, but he didn't know she was this stressed. It was the middle of the night, they were sitting on the couch in Golf Ball's secret living area beneath her underground factory, and she had been ranting to him about Pen not treating her with respect during the TPOT 5's challenge, but it had turned into a long overall vent of her feelings about how her teams over the years have handled her leadership. He realized that this was probably the straw that broke the camels back. Even when it was happening, he tried to protect her, because she sounded like she was on the verge of tears. And now she was on the verge of tears again. He listened to her talk, not realizing they were inching closer and closer together as GB vented to him. Eventually GB fell quiet. TB listened to her heavy breathing, as it shook occasionally, a tear threatening to spill out of her eye. He could tell she was holding it back with all her might. He simply pulled her closer, with a comforting "it's okay if you want to cry" he half expected an offended reaction to this, something like 'of course I'm not going to cry, Tennis Ball!' But he also knew GB was probably too deep in her emotions at this point to suddenly switch. In fact, it seemed like she thought about it, a slightly frustrated expression flashing across her face as her mouth opened, but then it closed. She looked away and tears pooled up in her eyes before she buried her face into Tennis Ball. He was a little startled by the sudden close contact, since he wasn't really expecting it, but he didn't flinch. He just hugged GB and let her cry on his 'shoulder'. He knew GB would feel embarrassed about crying in front of someone,  let alone crying at all, and she very and I mean VERY rarely cries (note the "my very first tear!" quote from BFDI), but he wanted her to know she could feel completely comfortable around him. After a couple minutes GB calmed down, muttering to herself how she was overreacting and how she was embarrassed to have cried like that, quietly. TB kissed her head and gently let go of her, standing up off of the couch. "I can make you a snack!" GB flinched when she was kissed, it took her a minute to process it. By the time she did, she was very red, but Tennis Ball was already over in the kitchen, making her her favorite snack.

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