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Tennis Ball was working on concepts for an invention idea, while Golf Ball was writing something. They were sitting back to back as they often did while doing separate tasks, not interacting, but happy to be with each other. After a while, TB noticed that GB wasn't writing anymore. In fact, it seemed like she'd fallen asleep. Golf Ball didn't fall asleep back to back with Tennis Ball too often, but it still felt pretty normal, so TB continued as normal. That is, until he heard it. And felt it. A soft 'prrrrrr...' along with the faintest of vibrations on his back. He looked up from what he was doing and listened, surprised. He'd never observed Golf Ball purring before. Still, he smiled slightly. It was a pleasant surprise. He found it adorable. He took a moment to put down his concepts and listen to her purr for a moment. He got back to it a minute later, because he thought it might be a little weird to just sit there and listen to her sleep.


"I didn't know you could purr Golf Ball!" TB mentioned with a smile on his face. Golf Ball spat out her water like a cartoon character. "You heard me PURRING??"

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