Fruity Flakes (teenage BB bullshit)

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"Hey!! FF!!" Bouncy Ball skittered towards his boyfriend, Fruity Flakes, a quiet boy who seemed threatening to those around him. But not BB. BB had taken a liking to FF since they met as kids. BB's parents didn't know he was dating FF, he didn't tell them because he knew they wouldn't approve. He was tired of them trying to keep him away from FF. He knows him better than everyone else, no one understand him like he does.

"Hi Bouncy Ball." A small smile formed on FF's face as he turned to face BB. "How are you?" He pet BB a little then drew his hand away as BB was talking. "I saw you were outside and wanted to come hang out and see what you were doing!! You don't usually hang out out here!" BB said. "That's cute." BB smiled at FF's compliment. "I'm.. thinking." BB sat down. "About what?" FF joined him. "...I think I might kill someone." He said quietly, maintaining his small smile. BB giggled. "I'm serious! I'm thinking of planning a murder sometime." BB's smile faltered, but he wasn't in particular distress. "Like really? Where?? How would you get away with that???" BB still didn't think FF could be completely serious. "I don't know where. I think I could get away with it though. If I plan thoroughly, I should be alright." He said. "Well, if you say so. Tell me if you need help hiding the body." BB giggled. FF leaned in and gave BB a quick kiss. "Well, I'll be going now BB. I love you. <3" FF had picked up the habit of saying '<3' out loud because of how BB would text him. BB found it adorable. As FF headed for his house BB got up and started towards his own as well.

BB and FF were neighbors, they had been since they were kids. BB's parents also hadn't liked FF since they were kids. BB opened his door and was greeted by his mom standing there, not looking particularly overjoyed. "BB— I saw you talking to Fruity Flakes." BB didn't like where this was going. "And what's the problem mom? It was just a brief conversation.." he grumbled. "Well one: you've had many of these 'brief conversations with him over the past few months AND some particularly long conversations, and two— he- kissed you if my eyes don't deceive me?" BB went pale. "No, mom— I think your eyes DO deceive you, ahaha— why would I kiss him, am I trying to get in trouble??" His dad sighed from the other room. "BB, come on, we both saw it,," BB knew he was screwed when his dad confirmed he had seen it too, and was on his moms side. His dad sometimes defended him when his mom got kinda angry over things. He sounded particularly disappointed this time too, that made it worse. "Aand what about it? If that did happen, why are you worried?" GB scoffed. Before she could speak TB cut her off, entering the room. "He's dangerous, yknow, he has a history of.. violent behavior. He also like that knife of his a little too much— I don't know how he's real to be honest, but we care about your safety,, so we don't want you close to him.." BB's eyebrow furrowed and he though for a moment. "But, we're different! He loves me erm🥺he likes me!! We're close friends!! He'd never do anything bad to me!!" TB turned to GB (frothing at the mouth/hj) and talked to her softly a bit, whatever he said prompting her to storm off into their bedroom. He turned back around. "BB, just because someone acts close to you doesn't mean they really are, anyone could be hiding behind a caring mask, we just, have a really bad feeling about that kid, and plus all the violent tendencies... we'd rather be safe than sorry." BB glared at TB "Anyone? I guess that could include you guys too." BB pushed past TB and stormed off into his room.

Insert shot from top corner of room of a simplified tennis ball staring in the direction BB stormed off in

Tennis Ball blinked. No way did that just happen. My son thinks he's in a forbidden love romance novel

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