Chapter 7: The Green Prince and His Fellow Townspeople

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The next morning, the town waited for no one. The village was buzzing with activity the second the sun had shown itself for the day.

Saying goodbye to Liz for a bit, Lili and Ben also started their day very early. They explored around the kingdom, stopping by a farmer's market. The two spent a good while at the farmer's market before it was eventually noon.

"Alright Lili," Ben would begin, looking through his notepad. "I have got to stop at the bakery to grab some things for Liz," he would say. He would carefully tear out a page in his journal and hand it to her.

"Here," he'd say, looking back up at her. "I know you don't know this town too well. Here's a map of the place. If you get lost, ask one of the guards around here," he'd explain.

"I—okay!" Lili would respond. Ben was a genius. He'd only been here a few times, yet he was able to sketch out a map of the place in under 15 seconds? Amazing.

She would look down at the piece of paper, figuring out where she was, and by the time she looked up to ask Ben, he was gone.


Ben was on a mission, taking one step after another in search of the bakery. He walked through crowds of people, his head looking up at the sky the entire time.

After walking for a while, he stumbled upon a sign. The sign stated: "Welcome to Pastries n Pieces!!"

"Ah, here it is," Ben muttered under his breath.

He checked his satchel before walking into the establishment, double-checking to make sure he still had the cash that Liz gave him.

As he entered the building, he was quickly engulfed into a full room of sweetly-smelling cookies, donuts, and cakes.

A maiden caught his eye: a girl in a yellow dress with her hair up in a messy bun. She smiled at him as he entered the bakery, the quiet bell announcing his appearance.

"Good morning!" The lady would say warmly, directing herself to the register.

"Hello, good morning," he would repeat. "I—um...need..." Ben had forgotten what Liz told him to get.

"Whatever Liz gets?" he would say honestly. No way would this girl be able to know what that means. Surely.

The lady from behind the counter would giggle. "Of course love. One of 'whatever Liz gets'! Coming up," she'd say.

She seemed curious as to how Ben was involved with Liz, but she didn't mention it. She would walk over to the table and pull out a paper receipt. Looking at the most recent purchase from Liz, she would note it down.

Ben watched as the girl in the yellow dress pulled out a basket for him, setting an even amount of chocolate chunk cookies in the basket.

She would set a piece of paper over the tops of them.

Handing him the basket, the lady smiled warmly. "Your total will be 12 dollars," she would tell him.

Ben would perk up, somewhat surprised at the fact this lady knew Liz so well. "Oh—yeah. Sorry." He would pull out the money from his bag.

"What is your name, sir?" she'd ask. "I feel like I recognise you."

"Ben," he'd answer. "My name is Ben. Yours?"

She'd grin. "Olivia." She'd reach out a hand to him. "You can call me Liv though."

Ben would lightly shake her hand. "Nice to meet you Liv. So I take it you know Liz?" he'd say.

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