Chapter 4: The Night to Never Be Forgotten-- Part 1

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"We're late!— Garrett is going to kill me!" The prince would rush to get everything he needed in order: His hair combed, his shirt straight.

"Oh right—The festival!" Liv would join him, cleaning up her previous mess.

Eventually, the team would race for the festival. Out of the room, through the hallway, and down the spiral staircase.

Meanwhile, the open balcony window would chatter, the breeze blowing around the curtains and doors.


The kingdom Evan lived in always threw great parties. No one knew why. Was it the king and queen? Was it the livelihood of the townspeople? There wasn't an answer.

Evan's parties were always a hit specifically. People came out from all over the world for Prince Evan's parties. He never was the one to plan them, of course. His parents would hold them for him—and he hated every second of them. But he never got a say. Why should he?

This festival was a big deal. This would probably be one of the biggest parties of Prince Evan's life. And it had to be good. It had to be perfect. And Evan?—Evan was not looking forward to it.

When the three of them met the floor at the end of the spiral staircase, they would be greeted by a gentleman. A middle aged soldier dressed up in Maroon lace. He would appear troubled before meeting eyes with the prince and Will.

The Maroon Soldier would make his way through the crowd to get to the three of them, pushing townsfolk and workers aside. "Where have you been?!" He would stand across from the Prince.

"Sam!! Good ol' buddy!" Will would nervously try to intervene—seeing his fellow soldier in a worried and angered state.

"I—uh..." Evan would begin, trying to come up with a good excuse for his tardiness. He couldn't just possibly tell Sam that he had just passed out. What would he think of him?

"I've been worried sick, Prince Evan!!" Sam would begin. "Garrett told me he couldn't find you—and I thought you had ran off—don't scare me like that!!" He'd ramble.

Woah. "Yes sir. That won't happen again Sam." Evan would reply, shocked in how much he had worried him.

Sam was like Evan's second father. When his actual father didn't have time for him, Sam was there. He's about twice his age, and has been his caretaker since he was a toddler. Unfortunately, Sam did not have the rank needed to overwatch the kingdom in the king and queen's absence. Especially on a big night like this. That's why Garrett was here.

"It's very unlike you to be late Evan...Why are you so late?" Sam would ask. He was smarter than he looked.

Liv would chime in. "We just lost track of time, Sam. Can't Will and I have a little time with our best friend before his big day?" she says.

Sam would sigh. "Alright...If you say so." Sam would look back at the crowd. "You should probably get to the festival. Let me know if you need anything—I'll be around." And with that, Sam would almost seamlessly disappear into the crowd.

A moment would pass by.

And another moment.

"Well—what now? Party time?" Will would ask excitedly.

Evan would giggle nervously. "Yeah, sure. You two go on ahead. I'm going to look around for Garrett." He would offer.

Liv took a second. "Are you sure—I mean, you seemed pretty uneasy about him. We can join you if you'd li—" She'd try to debate, before being pulled into the crowd by Will, who had found the food counter.

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