16 - grumpy

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"THIS THING IS AN ABSOLUTE FIRE HAZARD." Imayoshi made a remark about Momoi lighting up candles in the locker room, which could easily burn the entire building down. For example, she lit up one that was placed directly under the curtains. It's like calling to be burned to ashes.

However, she continued to light them, carelessly, without a second thought. "The smell of this room is hazardous." Momoi explained as she looked at all 20 candlesticks she had placed in the room. God bless the person who has to put out each one.

Aomine had completely healed from the procedure a week or so after it was performed. And coincidentally, it happened to fall on the day Touou had a charity match with Yosen High. So, Aomine was in a really good mood and it was because of the opportunity to play against Murasakibara. That was indicated by him coming up to you and asking, "Miss me?" with a heavy smirk on his face.

You looked into his eyes and sucked your cheeks in, trying to hold back a smile. "Dearly." You answered him with jest and continued to sweep the floor with a broom. "Ace, did you really have to come back?" You pushed him away so that you could clean what was under him. Practice was a bit dull without him. But now that he's back, he could kick the asses of his teammates.

Aomine didn't take your question too seriously and rolled his eyes at it. "I know you missed me." He walked away with a shit-eating grin and, like a bitch, you watched him leave. He's so prideful. I mean, his catchphrase is literally 'the only one who can beat me is me'. If that doesn't scream egotistical, what does?

"Okay, listen up, people!" The coach yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the room. That is, 'everyone'. The coach's effort went unnoticed since Aomine was too busy gazing out the window. "The game is still not in another two hours, but, just in case, we'll leave early. So, everyone, pack your bags. The bus is waiting."

The members of Touou were confused as to why the coach was being so punctual all of a sudden. A bunch of huhs and whats were expressed, and some even assumed that the coach had a crush on the coach of yosen. Particularly because she was indeed a very attractive lady. However, their captain, Wakamatsu, urged them to speed up their process, and if they weren't in such a hurry already, he would have basically kicked them out of the club.

While everyone was going through a slight mental breakdown, you just stood there silently with your hands behind your back. You knew you weren't invited to the game at all, so you didn't want to intrude on their thing. "Y/n? Would you like to come with?" Imayoshi, the current assistant coach, asked you while pushing back the glasses sitting on his nose. You stopped a grin from growing, but it was pretty obvious. You responded with an eager nod.

He smiled too, and he left you alone to celebrate. But to avoid appearing too desperate (which you were), you just waddled in your place. "Come on, guys." The coach spoke from the door. "Sakurai, pick up the extra jerseys. Aomine, blow out all the candles. Y/n, get all the equipment. And Momoi, don't forget to get your data, huh?"

God. You knew they wouldn't invite you willingly. Their acts of kindness always had a catch. Like the equipment the size of Hercules, for instance. But you weren't going to complain. You awaited a scholarship for nursing school that was in need of a letter of recommendation. And the coach agreed to give you just that. "Look at Cinderella, running after the club. Ha ha." Aomine mocked you and walked out of the door so you wouldn't kill him. And, oh, were you going to.

You followed after him with the bags, while Momoi carried only a clipboard. You'd think a gentleman would ask to help you out, but Touou ran out of those the moment Aomine became a member. "Turns out I might reach my body goal for the summer, after all." You mumbled to yourself and placed the bags in the trunk of the bus.

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