13 - house of evil

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IT WASN'T EVEN A COMPETITION. You lost, obviously. Sure, it wasn't really a clean loss. You tripped him, called him a wuss, and took a shortcut way too many times. But you put in the effort until the end and almost died by doing so. Aomine didn't even break a sweat and here you were, heaving like some 60 year old male with asthma. "You're unreal." You wheezed with no mercy. "Is that why people think you're unbelievable?"

Originally planning to go your separate ways, now you two were walking along the same side of the road. Your houses leading the same way, perhaps. "By racing you, the manager who can barely make it up the stairs, you found that about me?" Aomine furrowed his eyebrows and walked with his hands inside his pockets. Every few steps you took, you had to kneel over and breathe for a few seconds.

Boy, were you offended by that line. It was true, yes. But it applied to the school stairs only, though. You couldn't make it up those. "Well, maybe I always thought your playing was kinda..." You played with your hands as if to seem you didn't want to say the rest of the sentence but you were itching just to get to that. "..mediocre. But now I actually know you have stamina."

Mediocre? The literal, and he could not stress this enough, ace of the generation of miracles.. appeared mediocre to the girl who was benched the whole time spent in her basketball team? "Mediocre like your face? Or actual mediocrity— not blinding ugliness?" That was a reach; even for him.

You bit the tip of your finger like you were in deep thought. "Oh, you mean the look on your face when I punch you in your ball-sack?" You asked like it was genuine contemplation and actually looked down there for aim. But it was too covered by his massive puff jacket.

His face contorted in confusion, "You actually know what that is?" Aomine asked you and stopped like he actually wondered if you knew what that was. Believe it or not, you knew male genitalia. But that is obviously not what he was leading to. "I thought you didn't see it from all the way up there on the stands."

It wasn't a ball-sack as in like an actual human ball-sack in his mind. No, it was the sports ball sack. The one where you put all the basketballs in. Yeah, that one. "Woah there, pumpkin. I know what a ball-sack is." You smiled sarcastically. "Maybe you didn't notice me standing there right beside you in all your practices.. or were you too busy fantasizing about being in Seirin's basketball team?"

The speed of which the conversation shifted was something straight out of an action scene. It went from being a simple interaction to you both pointing out the other's flaws. God, did you hate each other. "You know," Aomine spoke and sighed, "I have never seen someone act so intolerable on a daily basis. Do your stepsisters spit on you before you come to school or somethin', Cinderella?"

You crossed your arms and shot him an annoyed look. "Can't you connect the dots, Ace? I only get spit on when you're around." You said, reminding him of an incident that happened not too long ago. Aomine, during a heated conversation with you, spat on you "accidentally". He was punished by Momoi, making him sit in timeout for at least an hour like a little boy at detention.

Aomine sheepishly looked away and prodded the corner of his mouth with his tongue, slightly laughing. "You know what? I'm not gonna stand for this slander." He acted like he was beyond hurt by the comment so you rolled your eyes at that. "I'll take the longer route if it means I wouldn't have to look at your painfully sorry ass. See ya later, toots."

Toots? Seriously? You watched him walk away until he wasn't even in your line of sight. "God, you are petty." You said exasperatedly, sighing in relief as soon as he left.

"Mom? Yeah, still the same blackout." You said into the phone. Due to the snowstorm literally gnawing at your ass, the power lines of the neighborhood were ruined which caused a total blackout to happen. You were lucky enough the telephone lines hadn't completely gone into haywire so you could call your mom out of boredom. "Mom?"

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