15 - second mom & only dad

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"I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE THE RENOWNED ACE OF THE GENERATION OF MIRACLES CRY." You cracked up at the mere memory of it and tried your best to shut up so as not to evoke any more of the old ladies' glares. They were unhappy enough that you were going home so late with a guy your age, so if you anger them even more, you might have to walk home tonight.

The two of you just got back from the hospital and were on a train ride back home. The train was previously full, but due to Aomine's massive stature, guys offered their seats like crazy to avoid 'getting beaten up'. "I swear to god, one tear fell, and you call it crying and bawling my eyes out." Aomine said it exasperatedly. "Let them drain your bursa, then let's see how you rea— Oh my fuck! This hurts like a bitch."

The intense swearing caused the undivided attention of the old ladies to grow even more. And when Aomine noticed them, he sent them a 'what's your problem?' stare. He was already in a bad mood, let alone having undergone a small surgery. So, them gawking at you two like some fucking soap opera had made him reach his last nerves. "You know, they're your elders. You could at least not stare at them like they came up and asked us what kind of sex position we prefer." You advised him.

Him clenching his jaw while looking at them had not made it even the slightest bit better. "Yeah? Well, they might as well." Aomine tried to calm down like you told him to and stared off into space. Until that space got occupied by a certain gawking old guy who was drunk to pieces. "What are you looking at, drunk-o?! You should—" But you interrupted his fight by placing your palm on his mouth, muffling his shouts.

The very little unattended girl that you hadn't noticed was right in front of you, apparently, found this very amusing. So amusing that she held her stomach and hunched over, laughing. You couldn't have expected this to be a comedy scene for the kid, so your hand that was on his mouth fell in surprise. "Hey— Little girl, where are your parents?" You asked her with a tilted head.

She stopped her endless guffawing to answer your question but had to take a few moments to manage her breathing. Because of that, Aomine practically snarled at the poor girl. "Momma's at— at the.. uhm station." The girl answered and pulled at her cute little jacket. "Rei meets her there when she finishes work. So, here I am!" You assumed her name was Rei and went along with the damn thing.

You and Aomine stared at each other, trying to process the information that a woman, a mom no less, sent her 3 or 4 year old daughter on a train.. alone. "Well, you're not supposed to be alone out here this late at night, hun." You tried to tell her in a polite way, but you knew she was more focused on the window behind you than on this conversation. "Tell you what. Sit with us, and we'll take you to your mom."

Rei nodded eagerly, so you carried her and sat her on your lap. She was compliant, sure, but it made you wonder what else she agreed to with strangers. "I like your hair, mister." She commented on Aomine's blue hair. But he just said a simple 'thanks' and turned the other way, biting his lip angrily at your 'we'll take you to your mom' suggestion. The little one, on the other hand, had just noticed you and Aomine's matching uniforms. She gasped, "You guys go to the same preschool! What it— is it's name?"

Believe it or not, you were falling in love with the kid. And as she spoke, you didn't want to return her to her mother. But you knew Aomine definitely didn't feel the same. He never seemed to like children. "Touou academy. Hold on, kid." He placed his hands on her ears so that she wouldn't hear what he was about to ask you. "What's this about taking her to her mother, Cinderella? Do I look like a babysitter to you?"

Rolling your eyes, you scooched over to him so the eavesdropping ladies next to you wouldn't hear. "Do you really plan to leave her here? I mean, have you seen the number of drunks on this train alone?" You asked and hugged the little girl out of pure pity. You were ready to die for her, and you met her three minutes ago.

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