Sheesh! Cab, Bob?

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I DO NOT own Bob's Burgers. This is just for entertainment purposes.


Today was a rather slow day at Bob's Burgers. It was so slow to where we did some things to pass the time. I was outside with Mr. Belcher, Louise, and Gene. Mr. B was using the hose to wash off the sidewalk a little, while Louise and Gene were using trash that float and have them go along with the current of the hose stream. I stood at the end to pick up the trash.

Pesto: Bob! Hey! Whoo!

(Whistles) Bob! Hey, I think you missed a spot!

Oh, never mind.

That's just your mustache!

Pesto/Trev: (Laughing)

Trev: (Overlapping) Ka-boom!

Bob: Ha-ha. Ha-ha, Jimmy! Good one. Uh, at least I could grow one.

You can't!

Gene? Louise? Tanner? How about a "ka-boom"?

Louise: You can do better than that, dad.

Gene: Yeah, step it up.

Bob: Okay, you do better. Give me something.

Louise: How about, I don't know...

Nice shoes, Jimmy. Do they make them for men, too? Ha!

Tanner: Or, how about, "Light travels faster than sound, which is why you seemed bright until you spoke".

Louise: Oh! Ohohoho!!

Gene: Burn!

Bob: Those, uh... those are good. Hey, Ji...😐

Oh. They're gone.

(Inside Bob's Burgers)

Bob: God, I hate Jimmy Pesto with his crappy food and all his... customers.

Linda: Oh, forget about your silly rivalry for one minute.

Bob, listen, come here.

Tina's birthday's coming up, and I think we should do something special since she's turning 13.

This is the year she becomes a woman.

Bob: Yeah, I don't want to hear this.

Linda: Bob, she deserves a special party this year.

Louise: If what it says in her diary is true, then I'd say she needs it. A lot.

Gene: It's true.

Bob: Wait. You read her diary?

Linda: Yeah.

Louise: What I can stomach.

Linda: I just skim it to make sure she's not on drugs.

Bob: What... what does it say?

Linda: It says, "I'm not on drugs."

Gene: It's pretty rough. But she thinks things will really turn around this year.

Louise: Yeah, she dubbed it the "Year of Tina."

Bob: Why is everyone reading her diary?

Tanner: I didn't even know she had one.

Gene: It's well-written.

Louise: She's better on the page than in person.

Gene: And what if the nazis get us, and it's all we have of our family?

Bob: (Chuckles) Okay, fine. We'll make this birthday extra-special.

Linda: All right. Tina, sweetie, come here. 

Tina: Yeah?

Linda: Listen, baby, we'd like you to have and extra-special 13th birthday party.

So, take your time, and think about what would make the perfect party.

Tina: I'd like it to be a boy-girl party.

Bob: Mm-hmm. Mm.

Tina: With mingling.

I want to close the restaurant and invite my whole class over.

Bob: No.

Tina: And I want there to be a dj, and dancing, and a smoke machine.

Bob: Mmm-mm.

Tina: And about two hours into the party, I want there to be a moment where I see Jimmy Jr. . . 

Bob: Mmm.

Tina: Across the room . . .

 Bob: Hmm.

Tina: And we're pulled toward each other.

Bob: Mmm-mm.

Tina: We meet under the disco ball, mm. And we kiss until our bodies and souls become one.

Bob: 😑Oh, God.

Tina: And it's my first kiss.

Bob: Mm.

Tina: And it's perfect, and I remember it forever.

Louise: (Overlapping) Freak.

Gene: (Overlapping) Scary.

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