Sacred Cow

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                                    I DO NOT OWN BOB'S BURGERS 


Tanner's POV:

Everything just seemed like a normal day at Bob's Burgers that is until Mr. Belcher called us into the walk-in with a special announcement. The only thing is . . . I don't know if you know what a walk-in is but if you're familiar with restaurants or watch a a cooking show about a family who owns a restaurant, but a walk-in is a "walk-in freezer" it's where you store refrigerated ingredients. It's like how you have a refrigerator in your home but in a restaurant, it's much bigger. Big enough for you to walk into it -- hence walk-in freezer. And they are in fact very cold.

Anyway, us four minor employees went into the walk-in to here Mr. B wants to say.

Bob: Ok, kids, thank you for joining me here in the walk-in. Thank you all.

Louise: You said we had to, so...

Bob: Shush.

Gene: Brr! I should have brought my cardigan.

Bob: I have an announcement about the restaurant:

Here in this box is the beef That will make our--

Gene, drumroll, please.

Gene: (drumroll)





Bob: Ok, enough. Gene.

Gene: (slowing and stopping)

Bob: Here in this box is the beef that will make our 100,000th burger.

Tina: . . . Wow.

Tanner: I won't lie but that's impressive. 

Gene: Can I touch it?

Louise: I wanna touch it, too.

Gene: I wanna feel it between my toes. Mmm.

Louise: I wanna put a stick of dynamite in it and blow it up!

Bob: No. What is wrong with all of you? No one's touching this meat but me.

Tanner: I won't lie but, I did have the same thoughts about stuff like that when I was younger.

Tina: I have an announcement, too: My bra is chafing me.

Tanner: I don't think that's really an announcement. That's more of a personal thought. 

Gene: Oh! I have one. I love... House music. There! I said it! (starts imitating house beats)

Louise: And I'm going to get my gun license, Finally.

Tina: Oh, congratulations.

Gene: Can't believe they're making you wait 3 days.

Bob: Stop stealing my thunder!

Linda: I found the banner! It's from our old printer. You just have to tear off the holes on the side. We were supposed to hit 100,000 ages ago. 

Heh. We were way off. 


Gene: Can I-?

Louise: Let me just-

(Tries to get the box)

Bob: No! Stop It!

(Box opens from bottom and bottom of loose meat falls squishes on the floor)

(Bob sighs)

Tina: There it is.

Gene: Get it!

Louise: Dive!

Bob: Oh, my god.

(Gene/Louise moan at the squishy sealing loose beef)

(Later bob is cooking burger)

Bob: Are you number 100,000?

Bob as burger: No.

Bob: Are you mad at me?

Bob as burger: No.

Bob: Oh, burger, you're cute.

Bob as burger: You're cute, too.

Bob: Heh. I'm not.

Male OC x Louise Belcher | A Bob's Burgers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now