56 || The Hating Game

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The Neighbourhood - Everybody's Watching Me

New York City
Three Months Ago


I hated what I read of American culture. I couldn't believe it was worse in person.

The people had too much free will. Too much time on their hands. And their president, couldn't think for himself without asking permission from his election donors.

I hadn't sought him out, nor did I have any intention to, yet like a mut to meat, he'd come crawling, bearing gifts he thought would please me, and in turn, my family's respect.

But my family had estates all over the world, this one he'd gifted in New York was amongst the least impressive.

The history was dull, the walls bleak while the only arguably decency came from the library. And even then my books couldn't have arrived sooner.

But I'd found comfort in the space, made peace with it being my new place of residence. Going so far as to decorate with my belongings.

A chess board. My oak desk. And a security system that rivaled the white house.

Sat at my desk, I stare at the text, where Dima alerts me that they've secured my leverage. 

Ten minutes ago.

And not a door alarm has been triggered.

I wait the extra minute, out of habit, before studying the surveillance on my computer screen. I go to the ones at the gate only to find the first broken, the second as-well. While the third gives me a glimpse of a small figure, her middle finger all that flashes across the screen before she collapses to the ground.

Interesting, only in the way that makes me doubt myself for the briefest of moments.

I wonder if there's something different from last I saw her. But logic tells me I'm too critical. The last thing I did when engaging with women was pay attention to details.

The library doors creak as they open, and when I look up, I notice everything wrong with the two men standing before me.

One's got a black eye, the other a blooded arm where it's fluid drips onto the floor. Only before I can speak, Feo's clutching his bloodied arm and telling me he'll send the cleaners.

Dima on the other hand looks sour, "You said she'd be an easy capture."

I flicker my eyes between him and his brother, noting how said capture looked anything but easy. "She should have been."

Either they were incompetent or I'd miscalculated. The latter was impossible.

"She's unbearable and rude." He nurses his blackened eye with an air of disbelief. Dima was by far the strongest of my people, this must be eating him up inside. "Not at all like you described her."

A brief note of accusation sits in his tone, one that treads dangerously close to the type I wouldn't let go unpunished.

Feo saves him.

"What he means is-" stepping infront of his brother, he clears his throat and clutches his bloodied arm. "You said she'd agree to marry you. Why have us kidnap her and go through all this trouble?"

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