19 || His Wh*re

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slow down - Chase Atlantic


I really couldn't win these days.

The universe was working against me and it was as though my karma was finally catching up to me in the form of denying me prosperity just as I reached it.

In other words, my karma was catching up to me in the form of an uptight asshole.

I'd tried drowning myself in my sorrows to cope( but all that'd gotten me was a raging headache and some embarrassment as the bits and pieces of my actions come back to me.

But that all seems so minuscule in the grand scheme of things. Minuscule when you take into account the fact that the man who'd I'd agreed to marry had found a way to trap me into the arrangement.

Declaring I wanted him dead wasn't enough anymore.

I was going to slaughter him.

And until I was able to watch the life drain from his eyes-slowly and painfully, I was going to do everything in my power to make sure his life was hell.

The way I saw it, my plan was foolproof. I wouldn't be able to kill him right away, but I was going to make this arrangement so hard that he'd either get sick of me enough to get rid of me, or go mad.

But in the meantime, I'd find a way to kill him and or find something to dangle over his head.

Like I said, foolproof.

My earlier moments of weakness aside, my rise and his downfall would begin tonight and in preparation of said vow, I pop two painkillers into my mouth and chase it down with a glass of water.

The last thing I wanted to be doing tonight was going out, with him of all people but I needed to start putting in the work, this constantly being undermined by him thing was fucking with my ego a bit too much.

Which is why I'm already dressed and ready by the time someone bangs on my door, opening it to find a stone faced errand boy and his dumbed down duplicate there to collect me.

I leave them standing there and turn to grab a leather jacket, my clutch and subtly make sure the knife strapped to my thigh is in place while they're gaze slowly follows me.

"He will be upset." Dima is the first to speak.

I head out the door and pass the brothers, but not before stopping to send Dima one of my smiles. "He loves me too much not to be."

I make my way down the stairs, mentally reminding myself that although I'm still a prisoner in this manor, I had rights now and deserved a proper bedroom. Something that wasn't accessible to the lunatic who believed those dos in there were her friends.

Dima behind me still seems to be stuck on something that's frankly, none of his fucking business. "You will look like a prostitue on his arm."

Yeah, that's kinda the whole point.

Disregarding them, I move down the hallway, glancing out into the darkness beyond the windows. The only source of light I make out is coming from the extension that's been under construction since I'd gotten here. "Dora," I call to Feo behind me, "Where does my dearest fiancé spend his nights?"

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